More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yes, no more punching bag. I admit I got lulled to sleep because I didn't see any fighting, even when I 'spied' on everybody. I put a couple more plants in his new tank. Bobo is still settling in. Sometimes he pokes his head out. He kind of stares at me like he's a bit disoriented. I've also got a dimmer on his light. His sand mix is a combo of the denube blue and baha blue.

Right now he's content to sit in his cave like a 1 1/4 lb lump. He did poop, though. ?

And in the main tank...

Boss has officially taken over the side near the window (although he pretty much did that already). The severum, acaras, hrp and rainbow go about their buisness and juke at each other sometimes. Brick sleeps on the sand with the catfishes. The synos will 'snuggle up' to the Oscar and lay still. It's kind of cute. Its interesting they're coming out of the log more now that Bobo isn't over there.
Fishkeeping is never dull. One minute everything is fine and the next its a mess.

So now Bobo the choc is now out of the 225 permanently. He was always the third wheel cichlid and it only got worse once my previous severum Chip was out of the picture. He got larger and tried the Oscar. Biggest mistake ever. It was a one sided war that would improve then regress. I admit being lulled to sleep because there was no fighting, and the chocolate ate normally and shoaled the whole tank. Reality is in the last two or three months he's had increased incidents of a split tail. The busted lip thing with the parrot was constantly off and on. I would 'spy' on the tank late and didn't see aggression. But something was clearly happening so the cycle had to be broken. I kept the backup tank for this reason...I guess I just hoped that it would eventually work but cichlids have other ideas.

So now Bobo erupted two white tubular growths near his eye. Then individual spots on his other side last night. Its posted in the disease section what's going on now. This fish is just too prone to stress related disease. Its chronic and look at him and he's a massive chocolate. But his immune system sucks.

The effect on the main tank is interesting. While Bobo struggles alone with another round of illness, the Oscar seems more relaxed and consistently playful. The parrot doesn't tolerate the severum and acaras in his area, but other centrals (rainbow, hrp) and the Oscar are ok. The severum and rainbow are kind of nomads but there's plenty of room. The synos are out and about more instead of hiding in the large log. The acaras are mischevious and try to start trouble but have no hardware to back it up. Case in point:

This morning I'm checking on everybody. Rocky and Jazz go completely across the tank to start trouble with Boss. Rocky, the more aggressive acara, decides to charge at Boss and lip lock. Let's just say Boss wasn't impressed. He caught the acara on the lip and sent him flying. Then both acaras tried jumping the parrot. That didn't work either...Boss nailed them both. Then Corn goes over there, challenging Rocky. They juke and flare. Jazz moves off and leaves Rocky to it. Pepper the rainbow enters the scene and chases Rocky off. Then Corn chases Pepper! It's the keystone cops...all you need is the fast organ music.
Update on Bobo.

Whatever is going on (posted in disease section) is baffling...he's rather responsive and moves around when he wants to. Yesterday he rearranged his tank. Still hasn't eaten yet but I'll try later. He had a moderate bacterial bloom that happened during the afternoon hours. Last night he got a 70% w/c.

He's not a physically active fish so I don't read too much into his not moving around. He usually stays in one spot for hours. Since I don't know exactly what's going on I don't want to dump a bunch of meds. So I'm trying a different approach. It looks like some kind of lympho, but I hate guessing.

Right now I'm treating him with salt and vitamin c.
Edit earlier post.

I've been treating Bobo with salt, Medical grade Vitamin C and probiotics. He is improving and surprised me this afternoon. The spots are gone, the warts appear to be a bit less prominent. With this combination he dropped the spots in one day. I removed the side covers from the tank and he came to life! He even glass surfed and played in the bubbles a little. In the entire time I've had him he never did either of those things! Now that he's alone I might see more of his personality he may have been hiding.

Bobo's not the most graceful looking fish when he tries moving fast...kind of like a dump truck with the parking brake off. ?
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Some non Bobo related news.

First, rainbow Salt will be joining his new tankmates this weekend! :grinyes:

I'm also looking into consolidating some tanks. The plan is to have Bobo, Tango, Syno Spot and some dithers in their own tank. Divider if necessary, but hoping not.

Also a larger tank for both Patch and Kong with a divider. I'm looking at two 60" tanks, have to check on the gallons. Preferably acrylic this time around. Don't have a time frame just yet. I'd move Tango's current tank out of my office and put the larger one in as a replacement. A single tank for both parrots in the fishroom will free up one wall at the window. I'd have the option of keeping a qt tank there instead.

Plans, mad plans...:y220d: