Love all your pets, and yes, lips are recovering fast.
Love the blue sand, cool looking and peaceful !!
Overall, Your "gang" is great, looking after one another! Boss and Brick make a great team, other kids seems obey them nicely

By the way, my mango (parrot) is out of the tank and at a known LFS (nice guys), who will keep him in her own tank at home, those are employees nice and friendly and very known to me, the main reason for Mango to let him out of the tanks are : he started turning black on fins, mouth after I parted him and made him uncomfortable in the tank (literally my fault and I do regret that for sure!!), also to give him a nice and loving home and family. Ruby (Kamfa fry) is now enjoying the whole tank and he was chosen by my daughter over mango because mango started ripping (by his natural aggressive nature) Ruby's fin, which, my daughter doesn't like!!
Anyway, long story short, both fish are staying comfortable as their places. Thanking much to my LFS friends on accepting mango in her tank.