More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Are they tiny yellowish spots? Could be oodinium but weird that no other fish have it. Never heard of pimples on chocolate cichlids but never owned one either. Also, I’ve seen a ton of electric blue acaras at the LFS with internal parasites and looking sunken. Maybe they’re prone to it? Anyways, good luck
Are they tiny yellowish spots? Could be oodinium but weird that no other fish have it. Never heard of pimples on chocolate cichlids but never owned one either. Also, I’ve seen a ton of electric blue acaras at the LFS with internal parasites and looking sunken. Maybe they’re prone to it? Anyways, good luck

I was able to find this comment by ad88 ad88 :

Aug 12, 2020
I have owned chocolate cichlids on several occasions when living in two different places and they were very interesting fish. They would sit at the top of the water staring at the surface waiting for bugs to hit the surface. They always start to get random pimples and I figured it was because of my water hardness because I keep my nitrates around 10 ppm. So I would trade them to someone who would have softer water.


My water is on the hard side but not terribly so. Ph in DC ranges from 7.8 to 8, 3.5 to 7 grains hardness. I can't tell if the spots are yellow they're so TINY. Nobody seems to be affected at all. Even if you look at Bobo you don't see anything unless a magnifying glass is next to him. Maybe its the ph?

My acara Nemo once again had his belly sink a bit after initial positive results with the epsom salt. So he got some Prazipro this morning. Have Metro and Focus on standby. He still has energy and shows interest in eating.

He's my third acara and the only one with this issue. My other two didn't have sunken bellies.

What's oodinium?
I was wrong. ?

Brick has a few spots (maybe 10?)....I may have missed them earlier. Same location as bobo, on the top near his back. A half hour ago I saw him flash, Bobo flash, and Pepper flash. Bobo has less spots than before. I've been following the Ich-x instructions to the letter but may have to increase the frequency. I'm at a loss here...they've been getting treated since last Saturday. I have seen the fish flash occasionally but thought it was a territory thing or that the meds might be bothering them. I have salt but don't know if the Syno catfishes can handle it.

Any advice appreciated. I'm really frustrated here!
Is there anyway to photograph the offending spots? I know you’ve said they are rather minute but I’d thought I’d at least ask.
Not the best quality, glass is a bit dirty.

In the first pic at an angle you can see Bobo's slime coat...he was fine yesterday but looks like this today. This is the same thing that happened when I used Ich-X on Patch for several days, her slime coat slid away and Hikari said to discontinue. Difference is that Bobo does not have breathing or oxygen problems and he eats normally. But today he looks stressed.

The next two pics show the dots. They've never gotten dense, just scattered. He has a few less now than the other day. I'm stumped...Brick moved around too much for me to get a good shot. I'm not sure they're not getting stressed from the medication. The instructions say if fish look stressed increase the amount of water change. These pics were taken after Bobo flashed once on a gill and then he rubbed his belly briefly. Brick and Pepper have only rarely flashed on a gill and its always the same side gill (left).


Bobo 1.jpg

Bobo 2.jpg

Bobo 3.jpg
Hard to make out. Could be small lymphocystis or bacterial infection. I’d try triple sulfa.
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Hard to make out. Could be small lymphocystis or bacterial infection. I’d try triple sulfa.

Should I discontinue the Ich X? I have Prazipro and Kanaplex (I think that's how its spelled). The dots literally look like pinpricks. Bobo has less of them now, and the ones on Brick have all but disappeared. I did a 70% w/c with the treatment this time. I've been aggressive with the w/c's to aid the scratches that are healing well (both the chocolate and O have scratches). The oscar is healing faster than the choc. But they both eat normally. I think I have API Furan 2.

What can cause a bacterial infection like this? I'm trying to determine if there's something I overlooked.

Will order the triple sulfa.
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Should I discontinue the Ich X? I have Prazipro and Kanaplex (I think that's how its spelled). The dots literally look like pinpricks. Bobo has less of them now, and the ones on Brick have all but disappeared. I did a 70% w/c with the treatment this time. I've been aggressive with the w/c's to aid the scratches that are healing well (both the chocolate and O have scratches). The oscar is healing faster than the choc. But they both eat normally. I think I have API Furan 2.

What can cause a bacterial infection like this? I'm trying to determine if there's something I overlooked.

Will order the triple sulfa.
I’d consider fishing the course as u we’re planning with the Ichx. Furan2 will work. Bacterial infections can occur if ich has stressed out fish. Since it’s missing some scales etc.