The spots seem to be gone. Bobo's slime coat is kind of funky/milky where the spots disappeared. I don't see spots on Brick right now either. I'm kind of caught between finishing the ich x and starting bacterial treatment. Instructions say 3 days after spots disappear But Bobo's tolerance for the medication is near the limit. He comes out to swim but clearly is 'off'. His fins aren't clamped but they're kind of droopy right now. He's resting a bit so I don't bother him when he does. He came up to get a nightcrawler earlier but Brick ran him off and gulped it down. So I fed Brick up and will try later with Bobo.
Still seeing the random flashing from him and Brick but I suspect it may be a territory issue...both of them do it on the exact same spot of Bobo's 'house' and nowhere else. Brick does it after Bobo does. I did a water test as a precaution but the parameters are good (0 Nitrite, ~0.5 Nitrate, 7.5ph. , kh 70-80. Gh on the high side , 170-180 but that might be the medication (its usually around 160).
I didn't add stress coat the last treatment but will do so today. (normally use prime). Bricks' scrapes are sealing up remarkably fast. He had one the size of a quarter (I have no idea what he did). He scuffed his head on the powerhead three days ago when he bolted but its healed now. Bobo is healing more slowly as he was the sick fish to begin with. I think Brick got his scratches from chasing the chocolate.
Pepper is no longer flashing near as I can tell. He did it at times with fresh medication/ water. The catfishes and Boss (BP) have been unaffected through all of this.
In the qt tank Pip the redpoint is doing fine. The acara Nemo is still on his first treatment of Prazipro for the sunken belly issue. I'm wondering if its stress because of his crazy non stop swimming. His belly caves out then goes flat. Never heard of a belly doing this. Next treatment is tomorrow. He pecks at food but only gets a small amount in.