More tank pics, updated

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I’d consider fishing the course as u we’re planning with the Ichx. Furan2 will work. Bacterial infections can occur if ich has stressed out fish. Since it’s missing some scales etc.

Will do! Had ordered some Sulfaplex since it's available the quickest...think I have enough furan-2 in the meantime. Thanks so that I think about it Bobo did have a tatty front fin last week. Will finish the ich x on Saturday.

Bobo's not 100 percent but felt good enough to pop the parrot in the belly when Boss intruded on his space! Brick has more resistance but he was definitely scraping himself. For three days he'd have a new scrape. I started adding stress coat which helped a lot and stopped the scraping. Both still eat normally.

I don't think I'm gonna like my next water bill, lol.
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What's oodinium?

Oodinium is also called velvet or gold dust’s a parasitic and you often seem tiny whitish or yellowish dots on the body. It’s powdery and sometimes, it gets so dense, the fishes scales look like velvet. However, when it starts out, it could be mistaken for ich. Although from the most recent info you shared, it doesn’t seem like it. Good luck
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If they’re suffering from secondary infection from the ich, you can also dose Kanaplex along with IchX at the same time.
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The spots seem to be gone. Bobo's slime coat is kind of funky/milky where the spots disappeared. I don't see spots on Brick right now either. I'm kind of caught between finishing the ich x and starting bacterial treatment. Instructions say 3 days after spots disappear But Bobo's tolerance for the medication is near the limit. He comes out to swim but clearly is 'off'. His fins aren't clamped but they're kind of droopy right now. He's resting a bit so I don't bother him when he does. He came up to get a nightcrawler earlier but Brick ran him off and gulped it down. So I fed Brick up and will try later with Bobo.

Still seeing the random flashing from him and Brick but I suspect it may be a territory issue...both of them do it on the exact same spot of Bobo's 'house' and nowhere else. Brick does it after Bobo does. I did a water test as a precaution but the parameters are good (0 Nitrite, ~0.5 Nitrate, 7.5ph. , kh 70-80. Gh on the high side , 170-180 but that might be the medication (its usually around 160).

I didn't add stress coat the last treatment but will do so today. (normally use prime). Bricks' scrapes are sealing up remarkably fast. He had one the size of a quarter (I have no idea what he did). He scuffed his head on the powerhead three days ago when he bolted but its healed now. Bobo is healing more slowly as he was the sick fish to begin with. I think Brick got his scratches from chasing the chocolate.

Pepper is no longer flashing near as I can tell. He did it at times with fresh medication/ water. The catfishes and Boss (BP) have been unaffected through all of this.

In the qt tank Pip the redpoint is doing fine. The acara Nemo is still on his first treatment of Prazipro for the sunken belly issue. I'm wondering if its stress because of his crazy non stop swimming. His belly caves out then goes flat. Never heard of a belly doing this. Next treatment is tomorrow. He pecks at food but only gets a small amount in.
The latest.

I'm doing a massive w/c in the 225 right now. Bobo doesn't look good. I have a spare 38 I might put him in for a bit to try and treat him separately. Bobo's slime coat is cloudy in areas and he's hiding more. He was out this morning but the oscar is stressing him by constantly hovering around. Last night Brick had shoved himself into Bobo's hide and the chocolate retreated to the top. This morning he was at the opposite side of the tank (up top) in the rear corner while Brick was in his area.

I'm also getting white haze on the walls of the tank the last three days. I'm not sure if its the medication or what. A good scrub down once the water level is low.

The acara and HRP aren't ready to come out of QT yet. I got them to reduce pressure on the choc. Once my last acara Felix took a dive it was back to the old heirarchy which meant more targeting by the O. The rainbow isn't large enough to divert attention and he's more independent of the choc. So I'm kind of caught between the situation.

I am hoping a full 'clean' water tank will clear Bob's slime coat or at least let me see what's going on. I believe he will still eat, he has up until this point.
Good news to report.

Bobo is currently recovering in an 18 gallon hospital tub with treatments of salt and sulfaplex. His slime coat looks much better and he is no longer dragging and clamping his fins. I think he ate a few pellets the other day, I will try again. But when I approach I get "talk to the fin" and he turns his back. ? Quiet, low stress recovery is working well. He sloughed off some stuff three days ago.

In the main tank my rainbow cichlid Pepper was flashing like crazy (but only in one spot)...I've discovered he's a bit more sensitive to medication. I had dosed Kanaplex while waiting on the salt and sulfa to arrive. None of the other fish were flashing. As a precaution I did a 90% w/c , siphon and salt yesterday. It was weird seeing so much salt in the tank but everyone is ok, including the synos. Want to make sure there are no more nasties still hanging around. Pepper immediately stopped flashing and once again is shooting all over the tank like a gold bullet.

My blood parrot Boss decided to eat some salt. Parrots are weird. :screwy:

Still can't make sense out of Nemo's hollow/not hollow belly issue. He bites at food some and is on his second Prazi treatment. He expelled another clearish glob after the second treatment. He's still energetic and alert. After expelling the poop his belly went flat again. (?????) I don't get it. He still isn't eating normally though.
Time for a few pics. The 2nd anniversary stuff is on hold till Bobo is back in buisness...he's doing well in his hospital tub. I may wait awhile and re introduce him when the quarantine fish go in. Maybe. Last of his salt treatment will be by Saturday (I still saw one spot the other day) but other than that he looks clean and is drifting around normally in the tub.

Speaking of which. Here's Bobo when I transported him in a 5 gallon bucket over a week ago. He's now big enough to touch the sides! Lot of salt debris and gook at the surface. I picked him up and he went quietly.

Bobo bucket shot.jpg
And now, the new entries. These pics were taken on 11/20. Hard to believe I've had these guys going on two months!

First Nemo, my jumbo male Acara. He is playful and attentive. And goofy as hell.

Bag shot. I'm getting the stink eye...

Bag pic 1.jpg