Multiple Oscars in Large Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Read my whole reply. NOT going that direction anymore.

That being said, I don't see many people commenting on here that would have more experience than Joey Mullen. I just don't have the real-estate to move fish into a new tank if they pair up and I'd like to be setup for longterm success and plan to not have to do that.

You just joined yesterday and you’re already judging other fish keepers experience? Makes sense to me…
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I know exactly who the King is.
You just joined yesterday and you’re already judging other fish keepers experience? Makes sense to me…

Joined THIS site yesterday does not equal new to the hobby, or even new to the site.

And saying that someone who has been making quality content for a decade, travels doing instructional talks on aquarium husbandry, and currently has more tanks running than most avid fish keeers will in a lifetime probably has more experience than most on this site is far from a stretch.
I don’t think you know how much experience the people here have. I’ve been in the hobby in one way or another since ‘86 and I’m not even close to the most knowledgeable or experienced person here. But do whatever you want

Did not mean to insult your experience/knowledge level. I obviously don't know you or your experience level, other than what you have just said.

What I should have said is, "it's hard to imagine many people on here having more experience". Just based on his massive level of experience.

With an extremely experienced person doing something counter to thought and being successful, is that an exception or something to be considered as maybe changing a previous conception? Serious question, not being argumentative.

For me, I think it's worth looking at as maybe changing a previous thought.

Just to reiterate, not going this direction... just for the discussion point.
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How many years did the King keep his Os for? 1 year in the life of these fish is entry level.

I was chatting to someone about him only the other day. By his own admission on his channel he has to change things around all the time, annoyingly so in fact. This is to stop his adoring public from getting bored and switching off! That's pretty sad in itself really.

So from a long term point of view on whatever species profile he's doing, his experience is somewhat blinkered and not necessarily a strategy to follow if someone decides to keep the same fish as him long term.

Those oscars he was keeping is a prime example. If he'd have kept all of them in that tank he had them in, he wouldn't have had time to make videos for his channel because he'd have been too busy maintaining his oscar set up all the time, lol.

I caught up with his channel only the other day. His latest build is a 16ft plywood tank. I thought, here we go again! I guarantee he'll build it, put fish in it, get bored, and rip it down and do something else within a few months.
Did not mean to insult your experience/knowledge level. I obviously don't know you or your experience level, other than what you have just said.

What I should have said is, "it's hard to imagine many people on here having more experience". Just based on his massive level of experience.

With an extremely experienced person doing something counter to thought and being successful, is that an exception or something to be considered as maybe changing a previous conception? Serious question, not being argumentative.

For me, I think it's worth looking at as maybe changing a previous thought.

Just to reiterate, not going this direction... just for the discussion point.
It’s all good, I wasn’t offended or intending to show my experience, but show the level of experience many people here have. KDIY isn’t bad but he’s not on the level of many people here. That’s all I was trying to point out
King of DIY on YouTube has repeatedly said he would never keep oscars alone again. He really liked the personality difference with the group. He had a group of 6 in a 180 (i think about one year old), and did not look overcrowded. He recently moved 5 if them back in to a 180. He did not indicate any struggle to keep up with water quality the way he was feeding. 30% weekly wc and weekly cleaning of filter sponge.

I'd post the link, but I'm too new to the forum.

Search king of diy oscar tank. Stunning display. That was what I was going to shoot for and the inspiration, although I am probably not going to go that route do to the likelihood that they will eventually form a pair and have an issue.

While I respect some of Joey's comments and methods (I even borrowed an idea or two about filters) there's no way I can agree with this. He makes videos for viewership and education. I'm a fishkeeper that respects life and wants to get the maximum out of my fish. I also have a nose for bull turds too. 6 oscars long term in a 180? I've seen enough of that stuff on you tube and never long term and no follow ups.

Let's do some real world common sense math:

Oscars weigh from 2 - 3+ (or more) lbs each. multiply by

12 to 18+ lbs of fish...

Actual gallons of a "180" is 167. (tank dimensions are measured including the walls, not water inside)

This leaves ~22-28 gallons per fish (allowing for substrate/decor) which is pure insanity. If they don't die from stress, nitrate poisoning, being stunted or disease they might tear each other apart for lack of room. If my Brick were in a 29 gallon I'd have to pick him up out of the tank and turn him around so he could move.

Simplest answer would be to ge a 600 gallon for a small school (4) of oscars.

Oscars don't have to be in a group to show personality either, not sure where that came from. Oscars aren't feeder goldfish in lobster boxes. Just sayin'.
Joey the king of DIY is very well known and respected. I'm not sure how he was presenting the video you mentioned but I would be surprised if he is recommending six full grown Oscars in a 6-foot tank. If you're not sure, then I suggest that you might post your question in the video comments. See what his response is.
What are your thoughts about his experience? Is he way off base? Serious question, not being sarcastic.

I have nothing against Joey, my thinking is more along the line of what esox posted. Joey's goal is NOT to keep set ups like his O tank long term (which it sounds like yours are, which I respect) so his take on a single year with a set up, doesn't impress me. Come back in 10 yrs and tell me all about successfully keeping that group of O's in the same tank, and I'll be all ears. One year with a group of young fish like that is indeed entry level. Not Joey - the set up that you described.