I would not use a pool pump. They are loud, not ment for continuous operation, and most of all, kick out lots of heat. Nice job on the tank. I'm looking forward to pics when it's complete.
Tried to "bondo" in basement, stunk up the whole house even with a ton of ventalation, had to build a casket to cook the epoxy on my deck. put the tank under carpet plastic and cardboard with a heater. then the last pic is the next morning after we had an ice storm. nothing has went smooth with this project yet!!
wow, that looks like it's been a little frustrating. but it'll pay off in the end cause you'll have a big tank for little cash and more money for cool fish
When I built my stand in September it rocked a good bit also. I was worried about the same thing with the tank sitting uneven. If you put a carpet pad down on the ground under the stand and then put another piece of carpet pad on top of the stand for the tank to sit on you should be ok as long as the stand isnt just super uneven. Mine rocked enough to where I was worried but after putting the carpet pads in place it staid real even. Since your tank is pretty big try finding a real thick piece of carpet pad and maybe that will allow the weight to distribute evenly.
Ok, weekend i got some stuff done, feel much better about it now, got the glass in and the lower supports, the two boards across the top are freshly bondo'ed and will be installed paralel with the tank over the plastic cross supports.
start the styrofoam background, heck of a lot more fun then working with caulk, bondo and warped plywood. Strongly advize diy the stand, sump, lights, background, but find a deal on the tank. if i could redo it i would buy a used 125 to 180 and diy the rest.
background is going to have an easter island vibe, dont look like much now but will be cool if i can get my vision into the tank