More water troubles, the blanket weed has started to grow again but at the same time as it grows it's dieing off which is causing the water to cloud up again. This is I'm sure something to do with the weather, every 10 or so years we get a proper summer, temps in the mid twenties everyday and strong sun, and of course the first year the pond is setup we get one, great for my tan, bad for my water.
The fish don't seem to care, they just chill out in the sun and as soon as the heat goes off the pond that's when the feeding frenzy starts. I'm sure I could feed constantly at this time of day with no let up.
I know I said I wasn't going to buy any more fish but I couldn't resist just one more. At this point I'd normally post a picture but Mrs Y decided to let it out and not tell me before I could get one, Hikari Utsuri a nice little fish that has already been mixing it up with the big two and feeding well.
It's so frustrating not having cash coming in, the place where we got it from stocks a massive selection of all varieties and sizes from £5 to over £1000 and they had several that I would have considered in employment although no where near the top end of the scale. I'm sure people must buy fish at the top end but I expect they are quite well off.
I'm going to get hold of some water hyacinth as the temps can handle them at the minute to help combat the water trouble, I've also got some barley straw in as well to help.
More water troubles, the blanket weed has started to grow again but at the same time as it grows it's dieing off which is causing the water to cloud up again. This is I'm sure something to do with the weather, every 10 or so years we get a proper summer, temps in the mid twenties everyday and strong sun, and of course the first year the pond is setup we get one, great for my tan, bad for my water.
The fish don't seem to care, they just chill out in the sun and as soon as the heat goes off the pond that's when the feeding frenzy starts. I'm sure I could feed constantly at this time of day with no let up.
I know I said I wasn't going to buy any more fish but I couldn't resist just one more. At this point I'd normally post a picture but Mrs Y decided to let it out and not tell me before I could get one, Hikari Utsuri a nice little fish that has already been mixing it up with the big two and feeding well.
It's so frustrating not having cash coming in, the place where we got it from stocks a massive selection of all varieties and sizes from £5 to over £1000 and they had several that I would have considered in employment although no where near the top end of the scale. I'm sure people must buy fish at the top end but I expect they are quite well off.
I'm going to get hold of some water hyacinth as the temps can handle them at the minute to help combat the water trouble, I've also got some barley straw in as well to help.