It's the filter media that's going into vortex 2. Cut it into discs and build it up on layer at a time. Between each layer there will be the off cuts(cut up) to provide more air between the layers. I'll get six discs out of the twp sheets, then as the load of the pond builds up, I'll add more over the months until the vortex it full.umpbump;2214587; said:maybe i missed something what exactly is that japanese matting for? is that gonna be before you put substrate on it or is that the substrate?
and of course love the progress!!! fill it fill it fill it fill it hahaha
zennzzo;2214603; said:Seating for your Asian visitors?
I wanted to see if it is the same stuff I is, as best as I could tell...Yanbbrox;2214765; said:
Why did you want a close up?
Yanbbrox;2211535; said:No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water No water...............for 24 hours The sealant need to set
Where are you in the uk?
jjdsplace;2215035; said:darwen
Not to for from you
Yanbbrox;2215115; said:Indeed, you'll be a regular at Dave's then aka BAS?