I am more and more convinced that this could become an awesome Japanese garden
I suggest you do your research well and this would be stunning! 

well, I'm a big tipper,basslover34;2392954; said:WHAT THE ...!!! How in the H E Double hockeysticks did your post count get higher than mine?????
I'm not losing many... like 5 or 6 ... it's the insomnia... I need to get some of thatzennzzo;2393150; said:well, I'm a big tipper,
I type really really slow, use spell checker,
dot all my "i's"
cross all my "t's",
never turn off my laptop,
suffer from chronic insomnia,
and never ever post in the buy and sell...
Oh yeah and I only lost 8 posts in the latest forum cleanups....
Any word on the UV arrival date?![]()
Not sure that's a good or bad comparison, welcome to the big hole turned into a pond thread.eternity302;2392711; said:WOW! I can't believe I went through all these pages bit by bit for about an hour before sleeping and I am still so interested!
U remind me of my dad's attempt to build a pond in the backyard when we were a kid.. come to think of it now... it would never of worked... LOL! our temperature all year round is about 10 degrees celsius! LOL! hot summers for 2 months a year and it's back to complete coldness! I remember all the fishy dying in there!![]()
Dedication to the cause, plus a diy mega algae filter probably helped. Day one 1201 pm, no algae = one post, day one 1202 pm no algae = 2 posts etc. etc.basslover34;2392954; said:WHAT THE ...!!! How in the H E Double hockeysticks did your post count get higher than mine?????
You design it I'll do it, the problem I have is the rocks from the first attempt at a waterfall, I really want to use them on the building site side and I'm not sure they'd fit the theme, BTW the package is on the way, pictures if I ever get a day offLoulou;2393127; said:I am more and more convinced that this could become an awesome Japanese gardenI suggest you do your research well and this would be stunning!
Yes and no, You know how it is you go into work on your normal shift pattern and your bosses, boss comes and sees you to change your location and job for 3-4 weeks on one days notice because they need you to do this and that somewhere else, this results in not only the one day off for next week but also messes up any possible deliveries/work planned for next weekzennzzo;2393150; said:well, I'm a big tipper,
I type really really slow, use spell checker,
dot all my "i's"
cross all my "t's",
never turn off my laptop,
suffer from chronic insomnia,
and never ever post in the buy and sell...
Oh yeah and I only lost 8 posts in the latest forum cleanups....
Any word on the UV arrival date?![]()
eternity302;2394989; said:I have to be honest with you! I didn't even read that 15000gallon thread and that 50000 gallon thread! All i did wuz look for pictures and read maybe like a sentence or two of what's happening!
Why i'm reading this one completely? cuz ur giving us good details, good updates with pictures and videos! And it's amazing how you're doing it =) gotta give u two thumbs up for all this work!
I can't wait for the update! oh, btw, ur german shephard is awesome =) nice, fat, and always in da way!
Yanbbrox;2392662; said:Holy smiley overload Batman!
Wow, what an unbelievably nice post. I started off the project for Me and the wife but as I spend a lot of my spare time on here I thought it would be good to share it with everyone, the plan was always to take photos of everything along the way. I'm glad you've read it as it was intended, I wanted from the beginning to show how I was doing it, there are many different ways of doing a koi pond, this was the way I did it. When I started the thread I wanted to include as much detail as possible with as many photos videos as I could not only for the reader but as guidance if anyone else wanted some ideas for koi pond.zennzzo;2396830; said:This project is one that represents what the enthusiastic Monster fish keeper is capable of, with Hard work, determination, and a decent amount of OT. Can't leave out Mrs Y either, I'm sure she has been right there too.
As this project evolved, we got to see, the trials and tribulations of the do-it-yourselfer in action. All the ups and downs, that are going to happen, no matter how big or small your DIY project is.
I have been cheering Yanbbrox on, from dang near the first shovel full. Anybody who has ever put shovel to clay, has to appreciate his determination, and stamina. Most of us would have given in to alternative means of earth removal. (Dynamite and C-4 comes to mind, lol).
And remember all this while dodging the torrential rains...
Then the cave-in...I think we all held or breath because our project was going to come to a halt...I'm sure that's where everybody pulled for Yanbbrox and he got right back on it. We all know if it were us we'd have quit right there...
It was all his great pix and videos that kept it real for us. It was like stepping right out our own back door looking at the project...
And now as this Fall is coming to an end and the project will be idle for the winter (yeah right, like Yanbbrox, will be idle all winter),
I want to personally Thank Yanbbrox and Mrs Y. for the hours of sharing, that I enjoyed immensely...My hat goes off to you two, you have my ut-most respect...
Cheers, and Thank You Very much! ~Ben O aka zennzzo
The plan is to fill it in and have a garden but who knows next year, it may end up being another filter systemUNKNOWN_MALONE;2396883; said:That probably took him a while to type up hahahaha. Very nice, Are you going to do something the the smaller pond or leave it?