Wow... I ventured to the pond section seeking advice on using a 180gal tub as a temp housing for my TSN... started reading this about 12 hours ago at work. Since then, my friday night has totally diappeared while I've grown more and more impressed! I usually stick to the diy section and there have been a few disappointments lately (including my own
). Kudos on sticking through, despite a couple setbacks and making some steady progress.
Hopefully your green water remedies itself as you predict. For cleaning the bottom I've used several venturi/sock systems in the past that worked OK, but I agree that 1/2 hp is underkill. A decent shop vac is 6hp peak, and you're talking about high powered intermittent cleaning of nearly 20k gallon setup. I'd go for something designed for a commercial pool, or (failing that, cuz you're in C/R) a minimum 1.5 hp pump driven cleaning system with a 100-250micron filter. If you use a finer filter it will clog too fast, caorser and you'll miss visible particles.
Again, many many kudos. If this thread were in the DIY section it would be 50 pages long at least by now. Looking forward to future updates.
Oh and good job on making a lucrative career in the fitness biz. I like my gym time, but I'm betting I'm 10 years younger than you and don't look near as sharp.