I love cactus and all things horticultural! Is that saguaro yours? My prickly pear is in a foot of snow and green as ever. Its probably the hardiest plant I've ever seen.
LOL....don't give in Jaws!
It's all in your head. I used to drink like I was a drunk. I have not had any in 15 years, no desire. Didn't go through any treatment...just stopped.
Well, my huernia is definitely cool I'm typing beside an aristolochia, an asarum, and a mother of thousands, as well as some rare orchids as I'm typing this. Do you know what happens when you go up to a horticultural expert at a the nc botanic center and ask: do you know anything about the conditioning of arisaema triphyllums seeds after their fruitescence has died? Sometimes I say stuff like that just for kicks, but most of the time its because I'm genuinely wondering about the topic, and they don't really seem to like it when a kid knows as much as a horticulturist. I actually am almost done conditioning my arisaema seeds and am VERY excited to see if they wIll germinate the following spring! My favorite plants are the real oddballs. I am currently really wanting an amorphophallus titanum (already mentioned my konjac), but don't have the space. Other than that I'm really interested in carnivorous stuff like marsh pitchers, and sundews. If you want a real cool plant, drosera glanduligera is awesome! I'm looking for one currently but they're pretty rare.Cool @Thyroyalgeek there are a number of awesome plants out there such as :blue sago palm,red feather and wax seal palm,night runner habiscus,bat plant, black desert rose,glory lily and many more! What r some of your favorites?
It's very cool but a terribly slow growerOoh, bolbitis is great!!!