respect it? yes. live by it in my own house or what I do day to day, no. do as you will, live and let live as long as in the boundries(sp) of the law. But to think I need to change to accommodate you is ridiculous.
I get the language thing in class but why would American kids need to sit through a class teaching how to speak English. If I move to France I doubt they hold classes on how to speak French in grade school
I've seen plenty of that here too.It's kind of disrespectful but on the other hand this country is so accomodating.One couldnt do that someplace else.
I get all of that but isn't that just a more politically correct way of saying ban or restrictions.
BUT Trump did not impose a blanket ban. It's was 8 countries where are you hearing of a blanket ban from MSNBC?
Just last night there was a report of a refugee with isis ties. I will post the link later if you like
Lol, you guys see fat ass j-lo get caught trying to engineer some outrage with a fake photo?
Dude that's so jacked up. I watch her on world of dance she preaches Latino this Latino that. Now if I got up there and did the same with my nationality she would be all over me for racism. That's what I don't like the hypocrisy. If we're going to do it do then let's do it all the way.
The US is a country of immigrants. We are all immigrants, or the children of immigrants. (except for the native peoples, but they are far from a majority.) France is a bigoted, corrupt European country. The US is supposed to be BETTER than France in every way. The US is, and hopefully will remain, the world's best country. Even if we stop being the most powerful, we should never stop being the best.
BTW, assimilation is a 2 way street. In order to assimilate people into our culture, we must accept part of theirs. This is why the US's culture is more diverse than that of any other's, and it something you must think about when yelling about your fear of Islam. I am not saying there is nothing to be afraid of, but the refugees are coming here looking for a better place, not to stay in their bloodthirsty homeland. The Cossacks who came to the US 100yrs. ago assimilated with no issues, and they were born & bred thieves, murderers, warriors & rapists - that's all their culture was about - kid is born, forge him a sword style of thing. The people who choose to leave their country and make a better life in the US are probably among the best of the people of their country, and show, just by coming here, that they want our culture. Let them blend in and share as they can.
Those classes are for those learning English hence why it’s called a English Second Language class.
It is a complete blanket ban on the 8 counties effected.thats what I meant by blanket ban. Later this month, the Supreme Court will hear Hawaii versus trump which will decide if this ban is legal or not.
The US is a country of immigrants. We are all immigrants, or the children of immigrants. (except for the native peoples, but they are far from a majority.) France is a bigoted, corrupt European country. The US is supposed to be BETTER than France in every way. The US is, and hopefully will remain, the world's best country. Even if we stop being the most powerful, we should never stop being the best.
BTW, assimilation is a 2 way street. In order to assimilate people into our culture, we must accept part of theirs. This is why the US's culture is more diverse than that of any other's, and it something you must think about when yelling about your fear of Islam. I am not saying there is nothing to be afraid of, but the refugees are coming here looking for a better place, not to stay in their bloodthirsty homeland. The Cossacks who came to the US 100yrs. ago assimilated with no issues, and they were born & bred thieves, murderers, warriors & rapists - that's all their culture was about - kid is born, forge him a sword style of thing. The people who choose to leave their country and make a better life in the US are probably among the best of the people of their country, and show, just by coming here, that they want our culture. Let them blend in and share as they can.