Just read an article that compared San Fran to the dirtiest slums in Brazil and India. Human feces and needles everywhere unreal man
They have homeless tents outside 400k+ houses. Kids are walking past them for school.
Just read an article that compared San Fran to the dirtiest slums in Brazil and India. Human feces and needles everywhere unreal man
LOL!......guy said he's never smoked the wacky weed.Govt regulated human trafficking?? Your smoking something...
He's asking you to consider his thoughts anyway and being honest about himself, and you are refusing to do it. At least it's better then the earlier namecalling and baiting, but even so....
What's wrong with pot? I have never smoked it, and never intend to ($$$ & I do not trust the sources), but I have good, secondhand experience with it, and do not see how it is even as bad as wine or beer. I se no need to enforce such stupid laws.
As for prostitution, government-regulated prostitution is better than illegal prostitution, and I feel it should be legalized BUT while it is illegal, it should be punished harshly for the STDs it spreads & the pimps it creates. (I have 0 experience with this.)
Prostitution =/= Human trafficking. One is selling sex, the other is selling people.Govt regulated human trafficking?? Your smoking something...
2 years with roommates who smoked pot every night.Care to elaborate on good second hand experience?
Prostitution =/= Human trafficking. One is selling sex, the other is selling people
He's asking you to consider his thoughts anyway and being honest about himself, and you are refusing to do it. At least it's better then the earlier namecalling and baiting, but even so....