• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Orders from myhomenature.com

Looked interesting. The eccentric grammar and language was something I could just mark down to poor translation; something you see all the time in instruction manuals for Chinese electronics. :) They have some very literal people doing the translation duties. I am reminded of the Chinese restaurant near where I lived in Ontario years ago: it was "The Fantastic Magic Eating Garden".

But...whacky prices aside...reading some of the descriptions and care instructions just disgusted me. They are selling something called a Moss-back Turtle; it's a common Red-eared Slider that has its carapace completely overgrown with a mass of hair algae! As most fish-keepers probably know, very few aquatic turtles can live healthy long lives in a completely aquatic state; the majority (including the Red-ear) require a chance to completely dry out and bask. The only way they created those poor algae-ridden specimens is by preventing them from ever drying out. They go on to state that water temperatures can range from 4 to 30 degrees C for these creatures, and that the water should be changed every 2 days in summer, but once every 15 days in winter. Hmmm....

I don't know if they are just idiots, or actual intentional scammers, or simply out to make a buck on live animals in a completely greedy, heartless fashion...but there is no way I'd ever support these clowns. This experimental order you are proposing is like pounding your head on a wall; it shouldn't be necessary to actually do it in order to understand that it's a bad idea.
Looked interesting. The eccentric grammar and language was something I could just mark down to poor translation; something you see all the time in instruction manuals for Chinese electronics. :) They have some very literal people doing the translation duties. I am reminded of the Chinese restaurant near where I lived in Ontario years ago: it was "The Fantastic Magic Eating Garden".

But...whacky prices aside...reading some of the descriptions and care instructions just disgusted me. They are selling something called a Moss-back Turtle; it's a common Red-eared Slider that has its carapace completely overgrown with a mass of hair algae! As most fish-keepers probably know, very few aquatic turtles can live healthy long lives in a completely aquatic state; the majority (including the Red-ear) require a chance to completely dry out and bask. The only way they created those poor algae-ridden specimens is by preventing them from ever drying out. They go on to state that water temperatures can range from 4 to 30 degrees C for these creatures, and that the water should be changed every 2 days in summer, but once every 15 days in winter. Hmmm....

I don't know if they are just idiots, or actual intentional scammers, or simply out to make a buck on live animals in a completely greedy, heartless fashion...but there is no way I'd ever support these clowns. This experimental order you are proposing is like pounding your head on a wall; it shouldn't be necessary to actually do it in order to understand that it's a bad idea.
I agree with the first part likely being a translation issue.

I can’t talk about the second part.

“This experimental order you are proposing is like pounding your head on a wall; it shouldn't be necessary to actually do it in order to understand that it's a bad idea.”
Oh boo, have some hope man. If this site is legitimate then it opens up a whole new channel for fishkeepers to get their fish from. The possibility of this being legitimate makes it worth it for me. The only thing I have to lose from this is my $160 and what I have to gain is dozens of fish that I can not obtain otherwise.
I'm just as likely as the next guy to hold out hope for some unlikely windfall; that's not my reason for steering clear of this site. I was just so PO'd when I saw those turtles which have already been abused to get them into their current state, and then to see them being sold as a desirable commodity, complete with instructions on how to keep them in this deplorable condition...well, the whole thing just pushed all the wrong buttons for me.

If you were looking to get a dog, would you go to a place which advertised special puppies who all had a cute, goofy smiley face...which had been achieved by knocking all their teeth out? Sounds silly and extreme, but really, it's about the same idea. Abuse an animal to alter its appearance and then try to make a buck off it.

So, to be clear, I'm not suggesting to not risk the money; I'm suggesting that these are not ethical people and should not be patronized and encouraged. Jeez, nowadays we have people who won't buy a cup of coffee unless they can be assured that it has been "ethically sourced". If that can be a "thing", then this certainly should be as well.
Well let’s not get into ethics as that could be a long discussion.
To get back on topic, just to make it clear, if I do not have the package by March 1 2020 then I am going to classify this experience as a failure and deem the site as a scam.