Looked interesting. The eccentric grammar and language was something I could just mark down to poor translation; something you see all the time in instruction manuals for Chinese electronics. They have some very literal people doing the translation duties. I am reminded of the Chinese restaurant near where I lived in Ontario years ago: it was "The Fantastic Magic Eating Garden".
But...whacky prices aside...reading some of the descriptions and care instructions just disgusted me. They are selling something called a Moss-back Turtle; it's a common Red-eared Slider that has its carapace completely overgrown with a mass of hair algae! As most fish-keepers probably know, very few aquatic turtles can live healthy long lives in a completely aquatic state; the majority (including the Red-ear) require a chance to completely dry out and bask. The only way they created those poor algae-ridden specimens is by preventing them from ever drying out. They go on to state that water temperatures can range from 4 to 30 degrees C for these creatures, and that the water should be changed every 2 days in summer, but once every 15 days in winter. Hmmm....
I don't know if they are just idiots, or actual intentional scammers, or simply out to make a buck on live animals in a completely greedy, heartless fashion...but there is no way I'd ever support these clowns. This experimental order you are proposing is like pounding your head on a wall; it shouldn't be necessary to actually do it in order to understand that it's a bad idea.
But...whacky prices aside...reading some of the descriptions and care instructions just disgusted me. They are selling something called a Moss-back Turtle; it's a common Red-eared Slider that has its carapace completely overgrown with a mass of hair algae! As most fish-keepers probably know, very few aquatic turtles can live healthy long lives in a completely aquatic state; the majority (including the Red-ear) require a chance to completely dry out and bask. The only way they created those poor algae-ridden specimens is by preventing them from ever drying out. They go on to state that water temperatures can range from 4 to 30 degrees C for these creatures, and that the water should be changed every 2 days in summer, but once every 15 days in winter. Hmmm....
I don't know if they are just idiots, or actual intentional scammers, or simply out to make a buck on live animals in a completely greedy, heartless fashion...but there is no way I'd ever support these clowns. This experimental order you are proposing is like pounding your head on a wall; it shouldn't be necessary to actually do it in order to understand that it's a bad idea.