Please post all your wolffish here...any type also can!!

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 15, 2008
My own happy little world
Mudfrog;3550420; said:
Well my mala jumped out of the tank last night around 3 am.. Luckily I had a softball injury last night so every time I rolled over on my right leg I woke up. Well I woke up and heard a thumping sound, got up to check it out and he was flopping against the wall. Must have been out for a little while as his slime coat was gone and he was starting to dry up. I quickly put him back in the tank and he seems fine now. His mouth and body is banged up a little though. Gonna do bi-daily water changes to help him heal quickly. He hasn't jumped since he was around 6" or so. The only difference was last night I supplied the tanks with more light as it was pretty dark before and he banged his jaw on the glass swimming around. I guess I'll leave that extra light off, sucks cause it gave a cool moon light glow.
Damn sorry mate thats bad news. At least the wolf seems ok, just keep up with the water changes and maybe add some melafix? Just goes to show how tough they are - jumps out, survives the fall, survives nearly drying up and still is ok in the morning:headbang2

V best of luck with him and keep us informed of his progress.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 27, 2007
south east asia
Mudfrog;3550420; said:
Well my mala jumped out of the tank last night around 3 am.. Luckily I had a softball injury last night so every time I rolled over on my right leg I woke up. Well I woke up and heard a thumping sound, got up to check it out and he was flopping against the wall. Must have been out for a little while as his slime coat was gone and he was starting to dry up. I quickly put him back in the tank and he seems fine now. His mouth and body is banged up a little though. Gonna do bi-daily water changes to help him heal quickly. He hasn't jumped since he was around 6" or so. The only difference was last night I supplied the tanks with more light as it was pretty dark before and he banged his jaw on the glass swimming around. I guess I'll leave that extra light off, sucks cause it gave a cool moon light glow.
aaaw man that sucks...howd he get out though??


MFK Member
Oct 3, 2005
channarox;3550532; said:
aaaw man that sucks...howd he get out though??
I guess he pushed through the glass lid and it shut after he jumped because all the lids were in place. I'm going to have to look into the bigger tank soon and come up with a latch system for the lid.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 27, 2007
Rambo85;3550444; said:
Oh and Page 100 and STILL not a sticky!?!?!

Why Mods why?!
Good question..maybe they dun like wolf fish :ROFL:
I will soon post my black attack my dorado that of the same size 10" result is dorado lost..but still alive


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 30, 2007
Ahhhh MFK haven't been here in a while

The wolfs lookin good Mudfrog

I'll have to post an up date of my Ery soon but damn i've been busy plus my computer is broken Useing my brothers right now

sadly my wolf looks terrible right now i hate fin fungus his fins are all most completly gone :( :( :( doing every thing i can to get my Fav fish back to normal i'll post pics when he doesn't look like hes dieing any more

Not to worrie though i've doubled my water changes on him and have been adding meds hes acting normal again but still looks like crap so he just needs time
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