• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
wowy i like ur 90 gallon. post picks once plants have spread.
evercl92;1310503; said:
Wow, that sure looks like blyxa to me. Looks just like mine.
normal blyxa japonica grow alot faster and seem to have straighter messsy leaf.but mine happen to be the opposite with slower growth neater curled leaves
this was a picture of it before it was transfered to the new tank.(plant is at the back)
Definitely looks like a Blyxa species. Doesn't look like japonica though. Send me a sprig and I'll let you know. :D
That looks cool Drone!

I've always preferred the 'crazy jungle' look over the neat and tidy amano imitations, but that's just me.

The crazy unique scapes don't always look fantastic in pics, but in person they're fun to observe the various nooks, and see how fish take advantage of them. :)
actually takashi amano does not only do neat work. infact the majority of his work is crazy over grown jungle look. if any one has read his natue world aquarium book no. 1 then the page where it has the tank at a restaurant, shopping centre and other stuff one of the tanks is the one one in his study. when you see this then you will know what i mean.
Plecosterone;1310496; said:

That's simply gorgeous!

I wish my 75 looked that artistic. Mine looks completely 'staged', yours just has that natural look. In my next tank, I'm going to attempt to emulate some of that perfection, and might have to break down and even use CO2, grin.

