Here is my 38g low tech (ish) planted tank.
The picture is about na month old and i have since trimmed some of the overgrown plants and cleared up some space at the top of the tank. The stocking is as follows
-9 rummynoses
-2 koi swordtails
-1 baby uaru
-3 clown loaches
-2 ottocinclus
-1 syno. Petricola
-5 Amano shrimp
-1 bamboo shrimp
-1 giant african filter shrimp
And lots of plants, including many types of crypts, java fern, swordplants, dwarf hairgrass, saggitaria, cabomba, "high sunrise" stuff (clumped/overgrown on left side), and a few others i cant think of.
This has been an immensely successful tank, and it is right in my family room. It is one of my only display tanks. I hope you like it!