Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

banded bambooshark got 2 eggs the other is the same like this one ;)
Hey there all, I recently went on vacation and when I returned after just over a week I find in my 30 gal that the needle nose fish I bought a few months ago had laid eggs and now I have 5 small fry. I was wondering if anyone on here knew what i should do to feed them? I bought these fish just to look at and to fill up space in my tank, plus my kids thought they were just too cool! Now I don't know what to do with them...I guess I will plan on getting a bigger tank if they survive....any suggestions to what they will eat at this size? They are barely a half inch long and very thin.
species: Swordtail:headbang2

How many: 2

How long trying: 6 months:(

any succesful spawns already: none:(

set up: 6.6 gallon tank.:eek:

extra info: freshwater tank:screwy:
species: mollies

how many: originaly three now two

how long trying: 6 months

any succesful spawns already: none

set up: 6.6 gallon tank

extra info: freshwater tank
Hey guys these are what i breed to get money to help pay for the Hobby lol ........... I live in Sydney Australia and I get $5 a fish generally around the 1 inch mark...


Species: blue ram

How many: 2

How long trying: around 4 months

Any successful spawns already: no

Set up: 10 gallon hex

Any triggers/other information : no

watcha got...
hay guys
iv set my tank up and am goin 2 breed golden bristlenose plecos
ill post picture when iv got it all up and running.
Species:Green Terror, Blue Acara, Rokteil Severums

How many:just 1 male at the moment, just 1 female acara, will be getting ten 1 inch severums on august 3 yay!

How long trying:technically haven't started since i need the female terror and the male acara

Any successful spawns already:Umm well I have bred the terror and the acara already, lol. Didn't really mean for it to happen but still it's a successful spawn

Set up:29 gallon for the green terrors, 20 long for the acara's, and at the moment just a 20 long for the severums

Any triggers/other information :Big water change and big temperature increase is what got the green terror and the blue acara breeding