Species: Julidochromis Transcriptus
How many: 11 total, one potential pair.
How long trying: A week and a half.
Any successful spawns already: hard to tell, the two that are a pair spend a lot of time in a crevice of the driftwood but I can't see in well enough and I'm not interested in disturbing the wood.
Set up: Two colonies, one in 33 gal with male guppies, one in 55 gal with rosy barb grow outs. Will eventually be species tanks when others are sold off and moved.
Species: Guppies
How many: lots
How long trying: 13 years
Any successful spawns already: hundreds
Set up: Several
Species: Red Glass Rosy Barbs
How many: 4 (2m 2f)
How long trying: 6 months
Any successful spawns already: Two, one batch almost fully grown so now we got a second group going at about .75 cm right now.
Set up: Adults spawned in a 27 long
Species: Red Belly / Orange Endlers
How many: Lots
How long trying: 4 months
Any successful spawns already: many
Set up:125 many
Future aim: When I move in May I will be setting up for discus, keeping up my guppies and Endlers, likely the barbs and also the julies as well depending on how things go.
How many: 11 total, one potential pair.
How long trying: A week and a half.
Any successful spawns already: hard to tell, the two that are a pair spend a lot of time in a crevice of the driftwood but I can't see in well enough and I'm not interested in disturbing the wood.
Set up: Two colonies, one in 33 gal with male guppies, one in 55 gal with rosy barb grow outs. Will eventually be species tanks when others are sold off and moved.
Species: Guppies
How many: lots
How long trying: 13 years
Any successful spawns already: hundreds
Set up: Several
Species: Red Glass Rosy Barbs
How many: 4 (2m 2f)
How long trying: 6 months
Any successful spawns already: Two, one batch almost fully grown so now we got a second group going at about .75 cm right now.
Set up: Adults spawned in a 27 long
Species: Red Belly / Orange Endlers
How many: Lots
How long trying: 4 months
Any successful spawns already: many
Set up:125 many
Future aim: When I move in May I will be setting up for discus, keeping up my guppies and Endlers, likely the barbs and also the julies as well depending on how things go.