Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species: Julidochromis Transcriptus

How many: 11 total, one potential pair.

How long trying: A week and a half.

Any successful spawns already: hard to tell, the two that are a pair spend a lot of time in a crevice of the driftwood but I can't see in well enough and I'm not interested in disturbing the wood.

Set up: Two colonies, one in 33 gal with male guppies, one in 55 gal with rosy barb grow outs. Will eventually be species tanks when others are sold off and moved.

Species: Guppies

How many: lots

How long trying: 13 years

Any successful spawns already: hundreds

Set up: Several

Species: Red Glass Rosy Barbs

How many: 4 (2m 2f)

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: Two, one batch almost fully grown so now we got a second group going at about .75 cm right now.

Set up: Adults spawned in a 27 long

Species: Red Belly / Orange Endlers

How many: Lots

How long trying: 4 months

Any successful spawns already: many

Set up:125 many

Future aim: When I move in May I will be setting up for discus, keeping up my guppies and Endlers, likely the barbs and also the julies as well depending on how things go.
The babies are growing great and it is almost time to part with i fiqured i would share their pics ..Some baby pics,Mom and Dad:D This was their first breeding and they had about 50 babies..and proud to say i did not lose any that i know did jump out but i was able to put him right back..they really get excited when you open the top to i only open a speck..haha

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Species: F0 Festae

How many 1 pair

How long trying: 1 week:D

Any successful spawns already: not yet hopefully soon

Set up:seperated 125. Upcoming fish room
Species: Blood Parrots

How many: Three

How long trying: Almost a year now.

Any successful spawns already: None.

Set up: 75g

Any triggers/other information : They laid eggs in the 30g but were unfertilized. I am trying to breed a female to a male convict and then one of the male offspring back to the female BP. Maybe that will give me fertile males.

tons of offspring already

1000 gal outdoor pond with kois.

Hawaii temperature ranging 72-76 degrees

I use the guppies as feeders for my other baby carnivorious fishes. When ever I want to buy a fish that I would like to put into my crowded community tank, I put them in the pond to grow. I will then eventually find it about 3 months later big and plump from all those guppies.
Amphilophus festae,

one pair @ 3.5" and 6"
(started with 5 and sold them all for a wild pair)

had them for 3 months

in a 60 gallon

here in the bay area it got warm last week and they just spawned for the first time in a community tank (180 gallons) with a cuban and a flowerhorn in the tank. I flipped the new family over to a 60 gallon to save the fry from certain death. I was trying to avoid any breeding untill my fish are all bigger but I guess you just cant stop em from knockin da boots!
this is my first spawn other than betta fish so I'm pretty excited about it. I plan on keeping the parents with them for as long as I can. I'm feeding em crushed pellets. adults wont eat though. dont know what to do. Any advice about feeding or growing out the fry???

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List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Gold Saum

How many: male and female

How long trying: 2 weeks

Any successful spawns already: got it on 1st attempt

Set up: 55 gallon regular
I have a lot of tanks, but maybe not compared to some of the people here. At this moment I have the following that are spawning or have spawned recently:
H. multispinosa
Red Devils
wild firemouths from Guatemala (they have black instead of red on the gill flares and the fins are red with blue spangles)
Thoricthys mixteco blue
Gymnogeophagus rhabdotus
wild colony of saulosi
jewel cichlids (red ones, I forget the name)
N. lelupi
L. trwavasse mpanga red
blueberry ob zebras
cherry shrimp
blue crayfish

Groups that I have waiting to spawn:
V. heterospilus
V. bifasciata
V. synspilus
H. bocourti
Species: True Green Terrors (Aequidens Rivulatus "Silbersaum")

How many: 7 F1 Fry to start, thus far 1 breeding pair from the group

How long trying: 3 Months

Any successful spawns already: Yes, 2.

Set up: 90 Gallon tank, Breeding pair and assorted dithers. Live plants and inhabitable rock/driftwood caves

Any triggers/other information : Lots of space, plenty of cover. They are a bit skittish and prefer to have some cave like areas to reside in and dig out to cover the fry. They have also done well with the live plants, the female using them as a primary source of cover for fry before they were free swimming. Water factors are not particular. A consistent Ph and temps in the upper 70's have worked just fine, simply ensuring lots of space for just the pair. Provide a good flat rock source, and dither fish to curb aggression between the parents.