Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Got 3 Hypancistrus contradens (L201). 1 male and 2 females. Got them a coupla months ago. Just trying to fatten them up and get them in to condition before taking it to the next stage.

How many:1 male green cobra 5f

How long trying:3months

Any successful spawns already:at least 2 sets(all my girls are dropping within two weeks of each other) one of the females is from the first set only got 2 girls and one has no color at all
I currently have 1-2 dozen fry less than a week old and am expecting more very soon:)

Set up: ten gallon with breeder boxes for the fry the tank also serves a a growout so they have to be hosed elseware

Any triggers/other information : hopeing to breed more cobra tails the culls are for spike my senegal and his tankmates a rapheal cat and an african brown knife.

Species: Sword tails

How many: one red wag male 4 females
one green that was prego by same when bought had 7 recovered fry within days
One red wag prego by same look about to drop:D
one pineapple and one black no males with when bought hopefully prego by my male

How long trying: 2 weeks

Any successful spawns already:yep but it was cheating

Set up:ten gallon with a breeder

Any triggers/other information : am trying to breed fish my own color fish ;) and can't seem to keep mollies alive:(

future plans
Species senegal maybe other polys
How many: one 6" +male :D
a baby albino hopefully a girl but too little to sex :(

How long trying:need an adult female first

Any triggers/other information : need to simulate rainy season ......... the fry are apparently hard to raise but if i get good with the sens I will try the other species If I do well I will open a store and sell baby monster fish:headbang2
Species:I almost forgot my three spot gouramis

How many:1 male (blue) 2 females one opaline in with the male these are ~3" and a 1.5" gold growing up

How long trying:month

Any successful spawns already:none yet

Set up:currently a planted 20 will be moving to larger tank soon

Any triggers/other information :need more info please am giving frozen bloodworms and krill male is a colored up keeping air at top of tank must do more research:irked:

also have pics of my fish pic one is my male gourami :D
next pics are of my male guppy and his harem the little one is from my earlier spawn :)
the last pic is of my swords







Species: Angelfish (pterophyllum scalare), bolivian rams, guppies

How many:angelfish X1, bolivians X2

How long trying: angel tank setup four months, bolivians five

Any successful spawns already: bolivians had a group of fry but none made it

Set up: 90g planted tank / 20g

Any triggers/other information : Have two pairs of angels in the 90g and they push each other around and take turns spawning and then eating the eggs:irked:
36x18x18 tank, atemting


succesful spawns 1x ancistruss

platies are pregnant.

upgrading to a much larger system of 4x 48x24x18" tanks plus 5x2x2 sump conected to a 6x3x2 tank with 4x2x2 sump connected to a 1100gallon pond filtered with pool mech filter and 10' biotower. i am saving my pennioes for this isystem i already have the pond!
My male jag and female sal...she is the only one who puts up with is crap, and can dish it out.

Species: Green Terrors(gold saums)

How many: 1 female 1 male

How long trying: 3 months

Any successful spawns already: 1 babies were alive for 3 weeks and every one died .. terrible and gona try againnn : ) this time will seperate the babies after a week in a heated 39 gl

Set up: 90gl 1 pleco 2 gts sand substr8 claypots(2) and lace rock 8 pcs
Any triggers/other information: moved them from 39gl to 90 increased water temp wonder if that did it the temp changel
Species: Guppies
How many: 2 male 5 female
How long trying: 4 months
Any successful spawns already: HA! tons
Set up: 29 gallon w/ 15g fry tank and 66g RES tank to feed them to.

Species: RES turtles
How many: 4 year old breeding pair
How long trying: 2 weeks
Any successful spawns already: there have been eggs in the past but all in water. she seems to be brewing some up now
Set up: 66g tank w/ 50g rubbermaid for nesting