How many:1 male green cobra 5f
How long trying:3months
Any successful spawns already:at least 2 sets(all my girls are dropping within two weeks of each other) one of the females is from the first set only got 2 girls and one has no color at all
I currently have 1-2 dozen fry less than a week old and am expecting more very soon
Set up: ten gallon with breeder boxes for the fry the tank also serves a a growout so they have to be hosed elseware
Any triggers/other information : hopeing to breed more cobra tails the culls are for spike my senegal and his tankmates a rapheal cat and an african brown knife.
Species: Sword tails
How many: one red wag male 4 females
one green that was prego by same when bought had 7 recovered fry within days
One red wag prego by same look about to drop

one pineapple and one black no males with when bought hopefully prego by my male
How long trying: 2 weeks
Any successful spawns already:yep but it was cheating
Set up:ten gallon with a breeder
Any triggers/other information : am trying to breed fish my own color fish

and can't seem to keep mollies alive
future plans
Species senegal maybe other polys
How many: one 6" +male

a baby albino hopefully a girl but too little to sex
How long trying:need an adult female first
Any triggers/other information : need to simulate rainy season ......... the fry are apparently hard to raise but if i get good with the sens I will try the other species If I do well I will open a store and sell baby monster fish