Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Update: 2 out of 4 batches partially fertilized due to barrier. Frys from initial batch disappeared or eaten by the parents. Second successful batch is growing, frys are about 1-2cm.
Species: Jewel Cichlids

How many: 4- 3in 3 males 1 female

How long trying: A few months of letting them grow in my 100 gallon community tank waiting for a pair off. As of yesterday we have a pair!

Any successful spawns already: None from this batch yet but about a year ago have had success with a jewel pair that died from unknown problems.

Set up: 100 gallon community tank with 3- Blood parrots 1- Midas 2- green terrors 4- Jewels 3- cory catfish 2- green hero severums
30 gallon waiting for cycling to be complete to move Severums into
20 gallon waiting for cycling for new pair of jewels

Any triggers/other information : I know my 100 gallon is overcrowded but that doesn't seem to bother any of the fish. I do alot of water changes to provide good clean water. This is not my 1st attempt to breed fish and my 5 year plan is to setup a fishroom to expand my hobby.
Species: neon tetra
How many: 20
How long trying: 2 weeks
Any successful spawns already: 5
Set up: plain 30gal
Any triggers/other information: Temperature slight increase, calm music near by
2 pairs of convicts.
one set has wigglers and other set has almost a week old freeswsimmers ( both set of wigglers and free swimmers are by themselfs in a 29 )
Species: koi veiltail angelfish
How many: 2 pairs
How long trying: 1 week
Any successful spawns already: 0
Set up: 30gal
Any triggers/other information: big water change, frozen food and up the temp.

How many: Poecilia latipinna - Sailfin Molly

How long trying: 3 weeks

Any successful spawns already: 3

  • apricot sailfin - 27 babies - orange/black, orange/speckled, apricot, speckled, white
  • dalmation sailfin - 18 babies - feared some were consumed in the tank - white/black, orange, speckled
  • light golden sailfin - 13 babies - orange/black, orange/speckled, speckled, light or orange, tan or light speckled

Set up: two 10 gallons, with 2 males & 3 females in each tank

Any triggers/other information : 58 total babies - that are placed in a small tank to feed better - 3 times daily - and to grow



I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: p dovii

How many:two adults .... 800 babies as of now

How long trying:about a yr
Any successful spawns already:
4 to date
Set up:
current in a 125 going to a 220
Any triggers/other information :
nope letem go and feed
watcha got... a nice paycheck on its way

How many: Poecilia reticulata - Fancy guppies (assortment)

How long trying: 3 weeks

Any successful spawns already: 3

  • young sunset yellow tail - 3 babies
  • sunset yellow tail - 8-10 babies
  • young red blonde tail - unidentified amount - 10+

Set up: 10 gallon

Any triggers/other information : Male and female guppies are left in tank, various color varieties of males, and females are 2 bright yellow tails - with yellow stripe from dorsal fin to tail on the top of tail, 2 red tails (red/blonde), 2 sunset yellow tails.

Moms are left in the tank - and not placed in breeder. Plenty of hiding places for new babies. They are left in the tank with moms and dads. They do not eat them - but sometimes a few will chase them at feeding time.

Babies are left in tank with parents until they are larger. They are placed in another tank to grow. The males and females will be separated into separate tanks when they can be identified.

Species: Platy
Leopard/Zebra Danio

How many: Platy: 3m 1f
Guppy: 2m 4f 4 unknown fry
Leopard/Zebra Danio: genders unknown, to young to sex
Swordtail: 1m 0f atm

How long trying: Do nto need to try, the came pregnant.

Any successful spawns already: Potentially one spawn from one female guppy.

Set up: All in same barebottomed tank, cannot remember how many gallons.
Plants floating in top for fry to hide in.

Any triggers/other information : I have no idea, other than feed them and leave them

This is the first Breeding of Freshwater Stingrays in the home tank in Iran/tehran and these 3 little guys were born at 7 / 7 / 2010.

these stingrays are belonging to Mr. Farhad Jamarani.





