Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


part 2

The first breeding of freshwater stingrays
in a home aquarium belongs to Mr. Farhad Jamarani
Tehran / Iran

these freshwater stingrays were born on the 7th of july 2010

Photo Gallery


Immediately after birth the male want to mate, bottom right a newborn pup

injured pup, she seems OK now - super red arowana with female stingray and her pup - three little guys

I don't think any of the stingray keepers here could see this, you should make a thread in the stingray's section.
Species: Firemouth (T. Meeki)
How many: 6 (2-3 inches: 6-12 mo. old)
How long trying: Half a week
Any successful spawns already: 0
Set up: Rectangle 26.9 Gal (I thought it was a 40 gallon because I wasn't serious about keeping fish for about 2 years and forgot how big it was. It's currently 90% stocked, but I am going to buy a 55 gallon to transfer them into in a few months since they still have room to grow)
Any triggers/other information: Temperature increase to 82F, Terra-Cotta pot added, diet of bloodworms and flakes, 3 feedings a day, 50% water change every other day. I have a Jack Dempsey and an unknown cichlid that share the tank with them. The JD stays in his vase and the unknown cichlid is very peaceful and calming, which I think helps since the firemouths are quite stressful around each other during the conditioning.

Right now I'm conditioning the females with food and water changes. There aren't any pairs, but I believe I have 2 or 3 females of the 6. They might be too young to start pairing off but in a few months that could change.

This is my first try to breed fish! Hopefully it works! They are somewhat juveniles still, just starting to reach maturity.
well my first try breeding cichlets was with convicts i had them for only like 2 weeks and they laid eggs i raised the fry and they are about 1 year now succeful breeds were about 3 or 4 i stopped breeding them they breed to fast but now i got a pair of red devils they had like 100 babies didnt mean to breed them but it happened so i am in the middle of raising the fry they are like striped black the parents are orange male is larger then female got some plecos in with them if anyone noes how to breed or sex plecos plz tell me o and i also breed african cichlets black and golden 2 times raised some and sold them to a store still got like 4 im going to breed them later
i have 2 red belly piranha about 3-3 1/2" hoping to breed them when they get bigger not sure if one is a male or female tho i have found some tips on telling the gender we will see
davo;925989; said:
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Green Texas

How many: 1m 1f & 100s of fry

How long trying:1.5 years

Any successful spawns already: too many to count

Set up: currently reside alone in a 90 gallon

Any triggers/other information : temperature

Species: Green Texas male (bred form the pair above) X female red blood parrot :headbang2

How many: 1 of each plus 150+ fry

How long trying: 2 months

Any successful spawns already: 2

Set up: currently reside in a 75 gallon alone

Any triggers/other information : These two were very hard to pair up, but once they did it was on like donkey kong. I noticed I increased their protien and oil intakes and that seem to trigger them

Species: Red Devil male and Red Monkey Flowerhorn female :screwy:

How many: 1 of each

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: 1 successful, and many other attempts still growing the fry form the successful batch

Set up: Currently reside in a 90 gallon alone

Any triggers/other information : These guys hated eachother at first, infact they were separated for almost 4 months, not sure what triggered it, but this aggressive little pair cannot get enough of each other.

Basically im happily breeding green texas, red texas and flowerhorn of some sort, have fry of each currently and a batch of RT juvies almost ready to go to pet stores
Breeding projects include
Tropheus mori the reddest ones
10 juves in a 120
Had them about 2 months they are growing and doing fine.

Rostratus 10 3 mature 7 juves
150g at about 83 degrees
Have had them about 3 months
Had 3 spawns but nothing eggs were eaten

red texas
escodido texas blood parrot
92 corner tank
3 spawns one success growing the out

Convicts nothing more need be said

Red spot gold severm
3 pair trying 8 months
1 spawn lost the eggs
240g tank

ruby grees
raised about 60 fry

torquiose jewls
3months raised only a few
5 adults

red jewels
30g 2 adults
rased about 10
think alot of our tanks are to new

nicuraugan cichlid
2 adults
raied 90 fry sold 80 to big als

electric yellows
150g community tank
5 adults raised 40 fry

We have only been in the hobby year and a half still buying tanks. We have about 30 now thus why many of the tanks are to young and not well cycled enough we have been using filter media out of the oldest tanks to help cycle the new ones
I apologize for being somewhat off topic but I've had two Oscars for about 2-3 months now and they've always gotten along together, played, followed each other, etc. Recently they've begun doing what looks to me like pre-breeding activity. I know they're much too young to breed (only 3-4 inches) so I assumed it was either pairing up or fighting. There isn't any damage done but since I'm not an expert like many here I was wondering if anybody could help? [Youtube link below] Please and thank you.
So... for my first post
I have a pair of dovii, male 7" female 4.5".
I put them in a 55g 4ft in my bedroom to move some other tanks around(were in a 110g 5ft).
The 110g was running at 79.9-82.3'F(day and night), while the 55g stayed exactly at 80'F. It is also waayyy darker in my bedroom than the tank room.
Anyway, pair immediately laid eggs on the backside(window side) of a fake tree in the tank.
Went from 1000+ eggs to 500+ fry.
I didn't listen to the advise and divide the tank when the school divided(one big-fish, one of small fish), and the big-fish school ate the other school overnight. This happened at least 4 times.
Down to 10 1" fry now(36 days later).