Species: Fancy guppy (I know, not much, but hey, I've only been at the hobby for two years!)
How many: I've had a few batches in the past, but I haven't really gotten in to it until now.
How long trying: Haven't even started yet. Right now I'm just scraping the surface, getting my equipment ready and laying out my plans.
Any successful spawns already: I think that most of this has been explained already.
Set up: Two 10 gallons (one for males, one for females), a five gallon tank for raising the fry and giving birth, plus another 5 gallons for ADF which will help cull the batches.
Any triggers/other information : I know that this is truly a beginners project, but there is more to it. I've found in my short time with the hobby that while guppies and other livebearers are still labled as a hardy beginner's fish, some of that good natured tolerence for mistakes is fading. My objective is to bring back the hardy guppy.