Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
here are some fry of mine in a 55g.
male dovii
female managuense
Didn't know they could mate.
Hi, I'm new but very interested on the breeding part. I'm interested in
breeding my rope fish (I have a pair) as well as my skunk cory cats which I have 4 of them almost 5 years. Can't find enough info on the erpetoichthys
calabaricus (rope/reed fish), like what is the min. length should they be or
start showing signs? Water condition? Has anybody tried to breed them? I
would really to know and thanks:)
I'm roper
Lol. I don't have anything that'll hold a candle to any of these breeding projects, but here's mine. (Sorry I haven't had alot of luck breeding fish:()

Egyptian spiny mice


just had my first birth.

Vacation St. Thomas 2010 011.jpg

Vacation St. Thomas 2010 013.jpg

Vacation St. Thomas 2010.jpg

How many:6 in the tank

How long trying:a couple months with 2 in the tank just added 4 more a couple days ago

Any successful spawns already:no

Set up:29 g with two terracotta pots and a coconut cave multiple plants real plants and 1 fake

Any triggers/other information :i've seen dances from 2 females for near the largest ,ale thats about it

watcha got...nothing

message me with help if you can
Species: Fancy guppy (I know, not much, but hey, I've only been at the hobby for two years!)

How many: I've had a few batches in the past, but I haven't really gotten in to it until now.

How long trying: Haven't even started yet. Right now I'm just scraping the surface, getting my equipment ready and laying out my plans.

Any successful spawns already: I think that most of this has been explained already.

Set up: Two 10 gallons (one for males, one for females), a five gallon tank for raising the fry and giving birth, plus another 5 gallons for ADF which will help cull the batches.

Any triggers/other information : I know that this is truly a beginners project, but there is more to it. I've found in my short time with the hobby that while guppies and other livebearers are still labled as a hardy beginner's fish, some of that good natured tolerence for mistakes is fading. My objective is to bring back the hardy guppy.
To bring back the hardier type you will need to go back to the wild kind
of guppies and that is the real work comes in with careful selection of what you are wanting to do. I started with feeder fish and ending after a 1 1/2
year later having 3/4 solid dark blue guppies. The females was showing
a little of blue tint. Do make sure you throw outside blood (guppies) to
avoid deformation and you will have to get rid of a female after a year, she
also throw deform babies because she starting to deform herself due to
having to many babies. Wish you luck;)
And you will. Almost all guppies especially (fancy guppies) are 100% bred in captivate or from some home who need to thin out their stocks.
Species: Protomelas sp. Steveni Taiwan

How many: 7

How long trying: A month, give or take...

Any successful spawns already: Atleast one female still holding...

Set up: 55g, AQUA-Tech 30-60 Power Filter, Aragonite, cichlid bio, and natural black sand. Also 10g. set up with sponge filter, no substrate (for fry)

Any triggers/other information : Good, varied diet, regular water-changes
Species: Bluegill

How many: 2

How long trying: 1 week

Any successful spawns already: not until spring, they are still too young

Set up: 55 gal freshwater local tank, hortroot, driftwood, bubble making ruin, rock caves
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Assorted African cichlids 1 yellow lab(m) 1 red zebra(m) 1 jewel (f) 1 zebra (f) 2 more males

How many:2 breeding pair Zebra&Zebra pregnant Jewel & ????

How long trying:4 months

Any successful spawns already:1 but i was egger and stressed mom while transfer she ate eggs :(

Set up:55 semi reef life/ cichlid salt look

Any triggers/other information : keeping water stability less water change better chance i was told. Or you can stimulate heavy rain fall 30% water change with filter running at 70% full to promote a sense of season change.

watcha got... two now pregnant cichlids and a lot more patience lol