Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species: Steatocranus Casuarius

How Many: 2 Male/Female(at leaast i think its a female :P)

How Long Trying: Month or two

Any Successful Spawns: Not sure, just found out they are cave spawners so i might of buried there eggs whilst cleaning :(

Set Up: 120x50x35cm/48"(4')x20"x14", 210 litres/55 gallons
Other fish
Gravel, Tree caves, Clay caves, plants
Any Trigger/Other Info: clean weekly
Here is my breeding project, No success as of yet, I need some advice on breeding these species.

Species: Metraclima Greshakei (red top ice blue cichlid)

How many: 9 6 females and 3 males

How long trying: Since June 2010

Any successful spawns already: NO

Set up: Ocean Rock against back of tank, many holes and crevaces, I have attached a picture, please tell me if you see anything physically wrong with my set up. I do not have any gravel or substrate due to high nitrate levels. My ph is 8 and upwards due to adding aquadur to raise the general hardness and condition the water for malawi fish, adding stress enzyme plus every week tuesday, feeding them JBL Novo Rift sinking sticks for algee grazing cichlids and spiralina flakes. Anything I may of missed please ask me..

Any triggers/other information : Males are shaking in front of females, females swimming off. Alpha Male in tank very dominant over good parts of the tank and controlling of other fish.
Info- i dont yet have these, but planning to buy and breed.

Species: Discuss

How many: wanted to buy 3 or 4. hopefully they pair. (had luck in the past with angels lol. bought two and they paired =] )

How long trying: havent yet, planning to buy, currently im going for a DIY 55g tank stand project for my 55g tank, and then after thats finished im planning to set up my 45g as a discus tank.

Any successful spawns already: not yet. lets hope for the best.

Set up: going to be a 45g tank, no specifics yet, not set up.

Any triggers/other information : tank not set up yet (45g) and fish not bought yet. My DIY proj at the moment 55g stand, and after thats said and done (hopefully i wont forget about the pics, so ill try and post my project =] ) i will set up the tank and buy the fish for breeding the discus. im excited, my dad also encouraged me to do this breeding project, so im really looking forward to it. lets hope this happens!
Cichlasoma trimaculatum

1 pair

currently in 75 gallon.

have been going on around 3 months, was hard to find real trimacs. then get them to pair...

no spawn yet

been playing with water temp, changed to finer and darker color, changed caves and rocks with differant textures, differant foods, beef heart, pellet, trout worms.

i had almost given up before i found these. only experiance has been convicts lol......not hard.
Species: electric yellow african cichlid / convict

How many: 7...19 counting babies / 200(food for electric yellows)

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already:yes one. and another mama holding / 6 batches of convicts so far

Set up: 55 gal malawi. 82 degree Ph-8.2 / 20 gal

/other information : i use seachem buffer and cichlid salts. along with cichlid essential.
That should be a nice looking fish ... good luck and post some pictures when the fru mature.
Species: Flowerhorns, Hybrid Texas and Cubans

How many: Flowerhorns 2 both females, Texas 1 male 2 unsexed, Cuban female

How long trying: 1 1/2 months

Any successful spawns already: give me about 6 months

Set up: 135 gallon

Any triggers/other information : So far so good everyone is getting along, I'll be switching up the rocks and plants this weekend to see if that helps with pairing.
I have several breeding projects I'm working on atm.

Species: Ameca Splendens

How many: One trio

How long trying: 2 months

Any successful spawns already: 3

Set up: 29g tank-about to upgrade them to 55g

Any triggers/other information : Easy breeders. My main reason for breeding them is they're thought to be extinct in the wild.

Species: Honduran Red Points

How many: Reverse trio

How long trying: 1 year (grew them out)

Any successful spawns already: several, but I only pulled their latest spawn

Set up: 55g

Any triggers/other information : Pull fry when free-swimming. Fry are easy to feed. BBS and they'll grow

Species: Blue Gene Jack Dempsey

How many: One pair

How long trying: 2 months

Any successful spawns already: one, but I've only been able to keep two of the fry alive. They are growing well, though.

Set up: 55g-only inhabitants

Any triggers/other information : High protein diet

Species: Convict cichlids

How many: 4 pairs

How long trying: over a year

Any successful spawns already: several

Set up: 55g's

Any triggers/other information : easy breeders

Species: Ruby green haps

How many: one male, 6 females

How long trying: a month-they're just reaching breeding age

Any successful spawns already: not yet

Set up: 90g

Any triggers/other information :

Species: Full black guppies

How many: 6 pairs

How long trying: 2 months

Any successful spawns already: several

Set up: 20g long

Any triggers/other information : this particular breeding group isn't really interested in eating their fry.

Species: black moscow guppies

How many: 2 pair

How long trying: three months

Any successful spawns already: 2

Set up: 20g

Any triggers/other information :

I'm also growing out white swordtails, xiphophorus alvarezi, neon swordtails, limia perugiae, rock kribs, Cichlasoma dimerus, and imperial tanzanians for future breeding projects.