Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Post your breeding projects
I think breeding is on e of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species:Post your breeding projects
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Nandopsis octofasciatum Jack Dempsy

How many: 2

How long trying: Was'nt LOL

Any successful spawns already: nope

Set up: 150 gallon pebble substrate with many hideaways

Any triggers/other information : Just did 75% water change, fall is happening so maybe the low pushing in was telling them it was time....also, I believe my female wasnt ready until now to be frank....

watcha got... will let you know within 72 hours! lol

This is all so funny to me....I thought I had 2 males...Wow, was I wrong! Never had babies so I am so nervous......took my common "algea eater" out tonight!
. How old are your jacks mine are male is full grown and females are six months old

Species: Siamese fighting fish

How many: 2

How long trying: Just a couple days

successful spawns: not yet

setup: two one gallon tanks and one two gallon for babies

trigger/ other information: feed them a lot.
Species: (f)lucistic and (m)blue convict cichlid

How many:2

How long trying:3 weeks

Any successful spawns already:1 with about 150 eggs

Set up:29 gallon with 3 inches of gravel and lots of creek rock caves and 2 h.o.b. filters rated for 40's.

Any triggers/other information :feed 3 times a day mix of jumbo cichlid sticks, hikari cichlid staple, broken up shrimp pellets from wardly and some broken up pieces of spirunilla sinking wafers with the occasional treat of live brine

watcha got...a bunch of eggs...and it took no time at all
Species:julidochromis transcriptus gombi

How many:10

How long trying:just got them tonight

Any successful spawns already:nope

Set up:argonite in 75 gallon pemco meta frame...90 lbs of petrified coral rocks piled up just so

Any triggers/other information :hopefully everything i do

watcha got...10 gombi with alotta dreams
Species: Hypancistrus sp. 'monte dourado'

How many: 1.1

How long trying: had them a year, however starting seriously currently.

Any successful spawns already: none

Set up: Sandy substrate with appropriate sized caves, strong flow.

Any triggers/other information: Temperature slight increase, with high protein diet for a period, followed by a sudden drop in temperature.

I also have a 1.3 Hypancistrus sp. 'L260' that are currently being grown up, as well as the same ratio Leporacanthicus heterodon.
11, great.
How to breed them?

Species:Jack dempseys, convicts

How many:1 pair each

How long trying:5 months

Any successful spawns already:yes 3 with the convicts 0 with my jacks

Set up:75gallon sandy substrate, caves and flat rocks

Any triggers/other information :feeding blood worms works great with cons:headbang2​
Species: yellow jacket/Tiger endlers live bearers

How many: too many to count

How long trying: wasn't trying just thought they looked cool but then wouldn't stop having babies

Any successful spawns already: assuming only half of each spawn survives and based on number I have now and number I've given away I'd guess about 50

Set up:75 gallon planted

Any triggers/other information : male + female = babies

watcha got... way to many. If you live in the Philadelphia area and would like some let me know.
Growing up some L260s, hoping to breed my L46 and L201 soon!