Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species: Aulonocara Calico

How many: 12m 9f

How long trying: 2 months

Any successful spawns already: Yes, 4f in total holding over the 2 month period

Set up: 55g with multiple grow on tanks, colony soon to be moved to a shed :)

Any triggers/other information : Make sure dominant male has enough room to spawn, and plenty of hiding spaces for females holding to hide. I find catching the mouth brooding females about 1-2hrs after lights out (use a torch to find her) makes the transition to another tank a lot calmer, and yields far higher fry..
Post your breeding projects
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species:Post your breeding projects
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Nandopsis octofasciatum Jack Dempsy

How many: 2

How long trying: Was'nt LOL

Any successful spawns already: nope

Set up: 150 gallon pebble substrate with many hideaways

Any triggers/other information : Just did 75% water change, fall is happening so maybe the low pushing in was telling them it was time....also, I believe my female wasnt ready until now to be frank....

watcha got... will let you know within 72 hours! lol

This is all so funny to me....I thought I had 2 males...Wow, was I wrong! Never had babies so I am so nervous......took my common "algea eater" out tonight!

Species: Guppies

How many: 4 Males, 8 Females

How long trying: 3 weeks

Any successful spawns already: One of the females died in labour, but I have 4 fry from another female

Set up: 2 Ft Tank with gravel and heaps of plants.
Species: vieja zonatum and a short body texas hybrid

How many: 2

How long trying: They are in the same aggersive CA/SA cichlid tank and it just happened

Any successful spawns already: Not yet

Set up: 135 gallon with alot of rock and driftwood hideaways

Any triggers/other information : Just did 75% water change

watcha got - Right now about 60 some eggs and 4 wigglers
iphone 013.JPGVieja.JPG

Can't wait to see how these bad boys turn out.

iphone 013.JPG

9" Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Male & 9" Jaguar Cichlid Female
Proven pair, no surviving fry yet, but close to it!!
90 Gallon Tank
Let us know if you have any success. Electric Blue is a recessive trait so it wouldn't show up in the first generation. If the male hybrids turn out to be fertile(they probably won't) breed the F1s together to EB. If the males are not fertile breed a female hybrid to the EBJD male and you should have some Electric Blue Jackuars.
Species: Golden apple snails

How many: 2 males, 2 females

How long trying: 1 month

Successful spawns: 1 egg sack so far, snails are still mating lots.

Set up: 55 gallon tank

Any triggers/ other info: i don't see many golden apple snails, and when i do, they aren't very healthy.
Just got myself a nice large group of wild tropheus.....chap dumped 38 wild spawning group, i picked em up that week!!
Species: Tropheus mix

How long trying: <1 month

Successful spawns: not as yet, but fingers crossed!!

Set up: 55g with large canister filter

Any triggers/info: keep water con. perfect, 40%+ w/c a week, feed tiny amounts v. often, and feed heavily algae (green) based products avoid foods heavy in protien, but about 1x a week give cyclops or some other small crustation to allow the fm to use protien for eggs etc
so i have a mid-grade zz flower horn male about 3.5 inches and a unknown female fh about 3.2 inches, i didnt know the sex but i had them in a 55 gallon tank with another smaller zz fh and a pair of pike cichlids. i was watching them last night at feeding time and realized the unknown fh had her egg tube down. her and the male were cleaning several flat slate rocks and chasing the other fish out of there territory.

Species: zz male fh and unknown female fh

How many: 2

How long trying: was unexpected but been trying for 3 years with know success till maybe now

Any successful spawns already: no

Set up: 55 gallon set up, florish green lake back round, 2 80 gallon filters with a powerhead.

Any triggers/other information : severeal water changes a week and high water temperature

watcha got... first time breeding with out the male being over aggressive to the female. he actually protects her. should i take the pike cichlids out of there tank or leave them since they also are about to lay eggs? they really dont bother each other they stick to there sides of the tank.
Species: Blue Platy x Marigold Swordtail

How many: Two young marigold swords, a female blue platy (swords have other females to pursue as well):)

How long trying: Past month or two

Any successful spawns already: Yes, I have several baby hybrids introduced into the 55. They are eating well. The only fish still in the breeder, one baby who is a runt, but is different from the other, as it has a blue dominant color, in contrast to the other hybrids' orange color with spots of blue.

Setup: 55 gallon, top fin 60 filter.

Any triggers/other info: Though I have bred many livebearers, the fry have never grown to their maximum size. Some of the platies are large, almost 1.25" or even larger, but others are down to .75" or my runt is around .6". I wonder if females grow faster than the males, just a thought.