Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species: Electric blue RAM cichlids

How many: A pair

How long trying: For several months, gave up and was surprised to see a pit with eggs yesterday

Any successful spawns already: No, still waiting

Set up: 29 gallon with lots of plants, rocks, and driftwood., PH at 6.8 - 7.0, Temp set at 84 F

Any triggers/other information : I switched them over to another tank where the PH was lower about 3 weeks ago. Started feeding them lots of live foods like live blackworms and red wigglers. I skipped a water change, maybe that had something to do with it too.
Gouramis failure...

I set the lights...some Barry White...a nice chardonnay...and the female did not want any part of "Big Blue"!!!
Species: German Blue Rams

How many:1m 1f

How long trying:1 month

Any successful spawns already: laid eggs 3 times but no wrigglers

Set up: 40b community tank, heavily planted and driftwood

Any triggers/other information : live food and when female looks like she has eggs do a water change with cool water.
Species:Green Texas, Managuense, Red devil

How many:Im hoping to breed the G.Tex with the Red devil and with a female texas and the red devil with another RD the managuense with a male managuense

How long trying:about 4 months

Any successful spawns already: NO

Set up: 60G and 150G

im raising a pair of Flower horn a Kamfa pair they are like 2" will be posting how its going with them

atm i have some fry from channa asiatica

and from channa pulchra

and there are good breeding signs with my channa sp. "redfin"
the pair:

breeding male:


last year I had some channa lucia breeding. >hre the eggs:

and the hatchlings:
Species: red map discus(female) with red rose discus male

How many: A pair

How long trying:2nd attempt in 3 months!

Any successful spawns already:no,last time eggs ver eaten up by parents bt this time its fanning

Set up: 29 gallon with a pvc pipe, bare bottom, PH at 6.8 - 7.0, Temp set at 28 C

Any triggers/other information :Started feeding them lots of live foods like live bloodworms. water change, maybe that did the trick

can any one predict what the hybrids will be like?(red map and red rose discus)
Species: Cichla Kelberi (rare peacock bass)

How many:2 Male and Female

How long trying:four months in a store tank bought them september 29th 2011

Any successful spawns already:no but they seemed to be digging a little crater in the sandy substrate.

Set up:90 gallon for now until there 1 1/2 foot then 1000 gallon

Any triggers/other information : 80F some goldfish trying to get them onto krill/ sudden drop in temp to 78F

watcha got...
hey im new to this site n posting things on it but i came home n noticed alot of little fish in my 4foot tank the only 2 fish that where in there where a cuban an jaguar.
there would be close to atleast 300 babe fish n just wondering on best way to care for them lol
Black convict x Black convict(Gene's are black i knew the guy that bred these, these are 9-10 maybe more generation black convicts) than breed 10 or so fry to make different variety of flower con's.