Lol... Rallysman, you're the pinnacle of fishkeeping...
And to stay on topic, and update my projects:
Species: Tiger Barb (Puntius tetrazona), wildcaught
How many: 2m/1f hopefully. I'm not positive on sexing, but am fairly sure I have 2m/1f
How long trying: 2 weeks
Any successful spawns already: None yet
Set up: 5g tank, sponge filter, heater, marble substrate to protect eggs, temp. at 82F, slightly soft acid water
Any triggers/other information : Breeding these to get a good size shoal, as Tiger Barbs are some of the most tightly shoaling and active fish out there. I've also found that MANY large species won't eat Tiger Barbs (atleast this is my experience). I've seen them being kept on display at a LFS with a Jardini, 2 Dats, and 3 Rays (I think Moto rays, but I'm not sure), and I've kept them with a 13'' Oscar in the past, and he never touched them. And he was definately NOT Docile.
If this goes good with the Tiger Barbs, I would like to try to breed some other small schooling species that are a bit more challenging. Celestial Pearl Danios (AKA Galaxy Rasboras), Cardinal Tetras, and Rummynose Tetras, specifically.
Species: German Blue Rams
How many: 1m/1f
How long trying: ~3 months
Any successful spawns already: Yes, 5. Only raised to wrigglers due to my own errors.
Set up: 10g tank, heavy leaf liter, 86F, Sponge Filter, very heavily tannin-stained water using Ketapang leaves (which, I HIGHLY suggest)
Any triggers/other information : Heavy feedings of all kinds of live food. Brine Shrimp, Daphnia, Black Worms, on very rare occasions live Mysis as well, along with Hikari Bio-Gold+, to keep colours up. After I see the female is plump with eggs, a 25% water change with straight RO will usually trigger spawning. My male is gorgeous, but his fry-rearing and egg-care insticts are terrible, which confuses me because they're Wild Caught, and I don't know how this happened. Maybe I've heard false information regarding Evolution and instincts.
Species: Apistogramma sp. 'Pebas'
How many: 1m/1f
How long trying: ~3 weeks
Any successful spawns already: No
Set up: 10g heavily planted tank
Any triggers/other information : I have a couple worries with this one. The fish may actually be two males, which obviously would be a problem. They're too small to show full colours and properly sex them. I am fairly sure there's a female, but I could be just looking at the subdominant male. I know for a fact I have atleast one male. The tank they're in is heavily planted and growing quickly, so if there is eggs, I'm afraid I won't see them.. that is, if they can evade the Corydoras Pygmaeus in the tank long enough for me to even notice. I may be going back and getting a definate female in the near future
Species: Corydoras Pygmaeus
How many: 8 (fairly sure 4m/4f)
How long trying: ~2.5 weeks
Any successful spawns already: Yes, two. Fry got eaten on both occasions by a Pleco who has since been removed
Set up: 10g heavily planted. Same tank as the Apistogramma sp. 'Pebas'
Any triggers/other information : Just learning the ropes with Corydoras. I have been reading about various species spawning on and would like to try harder species in the future. I've heard that Pygmaeus are good starters, and because of their small size, I can easily house them. This species of Corydoras only gets to about 1.5''. My new favourite LFS gets them by the 200s almost every weeks, so I have a steady supply for the future if something should happen with mine now. Triggers are extremely easy. My tap is naturally soft and acid, so they're right at home with this. The only trigger I need to do to a >15% water change with water that is a couple degrees cooler. For breeding these, I do a 25% change with water that is approx. 6F cooler, and eggs are laid on the glass consistently. I condition them on the same foods as the Blue Rams, except for the brine shrimp. Because of their size, the fry are always eaten. However, if I needed to keep any (which I will in the future), the fish will be transfered to a bare-bottom 5g tank. They do not eat their own eggs.
Hopefully soon I will be working on spawning the following:
L-066 (King Tiger Pleco)
Celestial Pearl Danios
Cardinal Tetras
Various Apistogramma spp.
Corydoras Sterbai
C. habrosus
Crenicichla Regani (dwarf Pikes ^____^)
Oh what the future could bring me!