Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Jack Dempsey

How many:
1 EBJD male, 1 EBJD female, 1 Wild

How long trying:
15 months

Any successful spawns already:

Set up:
29 initially-
26 select juveniles currently housed there for cross breeding back to female EB line months from now.
40B now with second hatch from EBJD/Wild cross

Any triggers/other information :
Lots of good food and somewhat open dividers used to aid with extreme size mismatchings.

watcha got...
Got my hands full, with the unexpected but staying two steps ahead of them by setting up more grow out tanks ahead of their needs.
These fry do not look like EBJD or Wild type.
They're somwhere in between.P071815_0116b-1.jpg
and a better shot of the 9 week old juveniles.
Electric Blue Markers for the recessive trait? These juveniles are BlueGeneJackDempsey, Not EBJD.
That's mom hiding in the back, and dad up front keeping guard.
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This summer the cichlids have been quite prolific, I end up pouring about 2 or 3 gallons of green water with daphnia, just to keep up.
4th spawn in as many months from a semi-blind pair of nicaraguense

2nd spawn from HRPs

1st spawn from panamense, eggs just below the lip of the flower pot

1st spawn for Cryptoheros myrnae

had half dozen from these multispinossa but as yet, no fry

pulled a bunch of Cichlasoma dimerus from the pond the other day

and finally there is a 2nd spawn from Ptychochromis sp "tarantsy"

Hi all. I've always wanted a velvet black comet goldfish. I've always detested goldfish with funky eyeballs. It just seemed inhumane to breed a living being with that type of deformity. I was planning on acquiring a black fish with no funky eyes and migrating the melanin gene to a comit. Just as I was about to begin my attempt I came across a very reputable breeder who was selling the most amazing black comets. Suddenly all my work had already been done. Unfortunately I later found that they were koi/goldfish crosses and were sterile. Still I got 6 very beautiful fish which I enjoy immensely. I'm still going to migrate the black gene into other types of goldfish as well as yellow. I have about a dozen yellow wakin that have spawned several times. I read Joseph Smartt's book on goldfish genetics and he hypothesized that breeding back the progenitors of the goldfish (Prussian Carp) that it would give rise to the expression of shapes and colors never seen before in goldfish. Conceivably I could lengthen the goldfish lifespan, increase there size up to six LBS, and develop colors never seen before. I'd love to have a 200LB gold carp. The only problem is the Prussian Carp are mostly females who produce clones of themselves. They only use male sperm to initialize cell mitosis. So how do I go about crossing the Prussian Carp with the goldfish? There has to be some non-clone producing population of Prussian Carp out there right? I mean clones are really an evolutionary dead end. I've found several places willing to ship carp to me and I already have the Fish and Game permits. But no one can really guarantee that I will be able to get a male. My cousin works in Canada running a carp farm and says he has a genetically stable heterosexual non clone producing strain of Prussian Carp. I've seen giant size carps caught in the wild. It's my understanding that carp are compatible with carp and that they can interbreed easily. What do you guys think of crossing a mirror carp with a goldfish? The wild carp seem to have a certain perfection to them. Good symmetric and shape. It seems the possibilities seem endless. Oh, while I have your attention, I'm looking to acquire very round short finned pearl scales. Preferably yellow- but I can always work on the color later. For now I just really want to get some very round short fin pearlscales. So which species of carp do you think I should start with?
ob peacock

How many:
2 male 2 female

How long trying:
2 weeks

Any successful spawns already:
one female is caring eggs

Set up:

Any triggers/other information :
Keep feeding and don't let them get hungry or the biggest male will kill everything.
I've had this male for a little bit over a year. He killed at least 10 females I put with him but I gave up for a while and now he is good. He is one of the coolest ob males I've ever seen.IMG_0479.jpg
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Reactions: markstrimaran
otter point peacock

How many:
1 male 3 female

How long trying:
4 months

Any successful spawns already:

Set up:

Any other triggers/info:
Biggest male killed a smaller male and all the other fish in the tank were in a mess and had to separate them for a couple weeks but they seem to be doing fine now.
Ngara Flametail peacock

How many:
1 male 2 female

How long trying:
4 months

Any successful spawns already:

Set up:

Any triggers/other information :
keep the water quality good. I let a couple weeks go by without a water change and lost a beauty and another female. Still got a male sand 2 females and will keep trying to breed these guys. This is the male that I lost. :(
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i have been breeding my
Species: Labidochromis caeruleus

How many: 15-20

How long trying: 2 months to find my female a nice bright color male with good genetics

Any successful spawns already: all survived

Set up: lots of holly rock in the tank for them to be able to hide but put the female in a breeder net to give birth so the baby's survive

Any triggers/other information : put a divider in my 90 gallon so while she was in the breeder net she didn't have to worry about her babies getting eating and they all came easier

watcha got... i have 4 left nice size ones from the last batch sold most of them and keep the nicer of them
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Dragons blood peacock cichlid. 1 1/2" long

Was big bellied at lfs. 2 weeks ago.

Solo spawned,

Small males gave no interest.

Put adult male dragons blood in tank 18 hrs later. Slight chance of him depositing some milt. As she is holding eggs.

Second 2" sister fish. Is about ready to spawn.
Seeing if they pair up. On short notice.

30 gallon long, with filtration for 100 gallons.
75 gallon on stand by in basement.

6ppm nitrate, 8.4 pH 78F 300 GH

Habitat is heavy plastic, welded together.
And a carpet of moss.