Jack Dempsey
How many:
1 EBJD male, 1 EBJD female, 1 Wild
How long trying:
15 months
Any successful spawns already:
Set up:
29 initially-
26 select juveniles currently housed there for cross breeding back to female EB line months from now.
40B now with second hatch from EBJD/Wild cross
Any triggers/other information :
Lots of good food and somewhat open dividers used to aid with extreme size mismatchings.
watcha got...
Got my hands full, with the unexpected but staying two steps ahead of them by setting up more grow out tanks ahead of their needs.

These fry do not look like EBJD or Wild type.

They're somwhere in between.

and a better shot of the 9 week old juveniles.

Electric Blue Markers for the recessive trait? These juveniles are BlueGeneJackDempsey, Not EBJD.

That's mom hiding in the back, and dad up front keeping guard.