Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Currently breeding/trying to breed:
super red bristlenose mature and waiting for a spawn
longfin albino bristlenose almost mature
ancistrus sp. "huacamayo" (the true dwarf ancistrus) not yet mature
regular bristlenose have spawned
Will soon be getting some green dragons!

amphilophus trimaculatum always eating their eggs
amatitlania siquia "tempisque" I've had great success with them
cryptotherous nigrofaciata "marbled" I've had great success with them
amatitlania coatepeque I've had great success with them
australoheroes sp. red ceibal have seen spawning behavior but no eggs yet
pelmatochromis beutikofferi no eggs yet

zoogoneticus tequila growing out some fry from them
skiffia multipunctata growing out some fry from them
ameca splendens growing out some fry from them

xiphophorus nezahucoyotl growing out some fry from them
xiphophorus helleri growing out some fry from them

Red snakeskin guppies these guys wont stop spawning!
I've got a breeding pair of jags now on there own in a 4x2x2 ,
I've had six batches of fry from these two , two of which failed one due to him not being able to reach the eggs in a pipe he flipped over and the latest batch I lost to filter malfunction :( but were back on track now :thumbup: my males 14" and female around 8" mark , he has started to bully her a little lately but no major damage caused she holds her own uploadfromtaptalk1416749352206.jpguploadfromtaptalk1416749376590.jpguploadfromtaptalk1416749400345.jpg

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Awesome pair evz!
Thanks mate :thumbup::)

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Gotta update mine
I'll be selling allot of my pairs to breed some new fish. There's a big convention in my area coming soon (aquamania 3) so finding cool new fish to breed locally, shouldnt be a problem.
I have less than before because I have already sold allot of the pairs.

true hemichromis guttalatus
amatitlania siquia "tempisque"
marbled convicts
pelmatochromis beutikofferi

Skiffia multipunctata
zoogoneticus tequila
ameca splendens

Wild swordtails:
xiphophorus montizumae

red snakeskin guppies

aspidoras sp. blackfin
super red bristlenose
ancistrus sp. huacamayo
regular ancistrus
albino longfin ancistrus
Species: Carassius auratus auratus (Goldfish)
How many: 50 something
How long trying: Just started
Any successful spawns already: YES Resulting 21 yellow wakin fry 8 days old and VERY TINY
Setup: Several 100 gallon tanks and 1 5000 gallon water trough numerous 20 gallon tanks.

Goal: To migrate the gene for yellow and black into several different varieties of goldfish

When I was young I remember seeing a GIANT size ryukin velvety black in a Chinese restaurant fish tank. I thought it was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen.

My first decision is weather I want to breed to the fishe's recorded traits confirmation or to breed toward the qualities I prefer (metallic scales, short fins, strong and erect dorsal fin, round shape, solid colors).

The second decision is where to acquire the genes for the black and yellow. I have found there to be numerous expressions of black. The most common one looses melanin as it ages becoming bronze. For the black gene I believe I have found the source I want in a six year old velvety dark black comet goldfish. I have seen the black in four different varieties of goldfish. The black moor was not an option since they almost all loose melanin as they age and the black gene in black moors is linked to their googly eyes which is a trait I detest. Any crossing with a black moor would end in a demenkin. The source for yellow I believe I have found in a very pure canary yellow metallic strain of wakin's. This strain of wakins has a uniformity to their scales, are hardy and are almost completely metallic.

I have just finished reading the book on goldfish genetics by Joseph Smartt but was left with only more questions. Smart guy, crappy writer. We have been domesticating these fish in excess of 2000 years but all we really know about them genetically is that they are tetraploids (having four sets of chromosomes). Are there multiple expressions of the same color? Is the yellow gene just a orange fish with the red pigment being suppressed by a gene or allele? Or four of them in unison? Because they are tetraploids do i need to modify the standard selective reproductive methods?

My first cross will be between a male yellow wakin and a red/white female ryukin. Hopefully I will get some yellow fish out of the F1's. I will then pick the yellow ones that look the most ryukin and cross those. I will continue crossing the latest generation to itself until I get a stable yellow/black ryukin.

Joseph Smartt hypothesized that by breeding the common day goldfish with it's progenitor the Prussian Carp it would give rise to the expression of shapes and colors never seen before. I plan on acquiring several different types of carp and crossing them with fancy goldfish. By doing this I could increase longevity, size, disease resistance. It could also result in hybrid gigantism. Can you imagine a yellow ryukin accept that it's 15 LBS? They could rival Koi. At the very least I will have some yellow fish to share. I don't expect to make a true profit as a breeder, I think the most I can hope for is to add something special and significant to the hobby.

For my breeding spaces I've been told it can not be more than 6" deep. So I have bought several rubbermaid 3'x4'x9" clothing storage boxes and placed a sponge filter in the corners of them. I will then use synthetic breeding "mops" for the fish to lay their eggs on. I have also seriously considered breeding them by hand due to the incongruities amongst the fish being crossed. Especially when crossing goldfish with carp. How long will goldfish eggs be able to be fertilized after being expressed from the female? How many times can I get goldfish to breed during the year? How do i go about stimulating them to breed? This time I just waited until I saw a male chasing a female in the wakin tank and then I put them in one of the breeding boxes. I thought the eggs did not hatch but upon much closer inspection I saw them. Shorter then one eighth of an inch and clear as glass. I ground up some flake food between my fingers and they all went for it. So far I have been able to count 21 of them. Certainly not the ideal number but a good start for fish so young and good practice for me. I have four of he breeding containers cycling in my room, taking up the space under the table where all my houseplants and terrariums are. Now if I could keep the cats from drinking out of them that would be great. Which types of Carp should I try crossing first? I did acquire some Prussian Carp fry from a carp farm in Canada my cousin runs but it will be at least three years before they are ready to breed. These have also been genetically altered to have the standard number of chromosomes. I've read this will give rise to more frequent "sports" (mutations) with a lack of redundancy in their genetics. My cousin is trying to cross a Prussian Carp for the fast growth and other types of carp for the quality of their flesh. He is also hoping on getting hybrid gigantism. It has only recently been reported to happen in fish. Until the last few years it was only regularly seen in lion/tiger crosses and other mammals. There are some varities of Prussian Carp that only produce clones of themselves, so if the environment is conducive the clones will populate the environment quickly. This time It cost me 2600.00 dollars for all the importation and inspection fees. The fish themselves were free. I filled out a whole stack of documentation and then later realized all needed was a declaration of entry form. If anyone wants to import anything from Canada to California drop me a line at and I can tell you every form you need and how to fill them out. Do we have any geneticists on the forum? How about a life sciences teachers? I have a ton of questions on how to go about migrating colors from one variety of goldfish to another. I would also like to find yellow that already exists in different varieties of goldfish. I have seen the color yellow in six different varieties of goldfish but have not been able to acquire any. If anyone has any leads on where to get any kind of yellow goldfish please get in touch with me. I am completely new to breeding goldfish (on purpose) and would love any and and all input about what I'm doing. I THINK I have enough resources. I'm able to purchase new fish tanks from Hagen/Fluval with my wholesale license at wholesale prices. A 10 gallon tank only cost 9 dollars. But I only use the 10 gallons for terrariums, I think 10 gallons is way too small for any fish to be in. Like Bettas. although the can survive being in those tiny containers I think it's much more humane to give them at least a 10 gallon tank. But then what I know about fish comes strictly from goldfish. I have been selling single professional grade goldfish in already set up tanks at the consignment stores. I've been able to move SeaChem products and Hagen/Fluval products out of the consignment stores since the only pet stores to carry any fish supplies are an hour north or south. On top of selling 10% below regular retail, people can avoid shipping and handling charges. I'm going to have make me a professional webpage for selling yellow wakin goldfish very soon. That would be 5 web pages I have now 4 of them business related. If anyone is starting a business out there I recommend and vistaprint. Great companies.

I look foward to hearing from you all. Feel free to contact me directly at

Healthy fish to you,


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How many: 2

How long trying: 3 weeks

Any successful spawns already: yes

Set up: 70 gallon

Any triggers/other information : temp increase from 78 to 86, live feeders stretched length of time between meals to increase aggression switch from sand to aquarium pebbles with no nests being made tried larger stones from home depo instantly spawned.image.jpg image.jpg

watcha got... Now I have tons of free swimmers
the fry are eating the bits of algae they find left over pellets, and there new favourite blood worms I crush up tropical fish food as well for them. I'm doing a little experiment with these RTM fry I have 90% with the parents and 10% in a ten gallon. They are all eating the same things ect and I have noticed a big difference in growth rate between the two groups, I've also notice in the ten gallon they have separated into two groups. One group swims along top of tank the other group stay at the bottom. I'm wondering if it has to do with gender ? I'm debating on separating them to see if that is how it works out.
Species: Giant blue turquoise and Altum Flora

How many: 1 Pair

How long trying:
Been trying to breed this Giant blue for over 2 1/2 years now and he finally paired off with a altum flora that was suppose to be a male :) they paired off back in Sept/Oct 2014. The AF layed every 10 days or so but never had the eggs last more then 3-4 days on the cone, either the eggs weren't fertile or mom ate them all.

Any successful spawns already: 2
1st spawn early March lasted appx. 10 days or so the AF decided to lay again. Before I was able to remove the parents they ate all the fry.
Currently on their 2nd spawn almost 2 mo old and parents were moved out of tank on day 12.

Set up:
29g bare bottom tank with painted white bottom with blue sides and back, 2 #4 sponges, 150w Eheim Jager and a extra air stone.

Any triggers/other information :
always on a high protein diet of beef heart, Freeze dried black worms, flakes and pellets. They always laid with in a day or so after a 100% water change.

watcha got...

Q Quater size

current @ 1.5-2"