Currently breeding/trying to breed:
super red bristlenose mature and waiting for a spawn
longfin albino bristlenose almost mature
ancistrus sp. "huacamayo" (the true dwarf ancistrus) not yet mature
regular bristlenose have spawned
Will soon be getting some green dragons!
amphilophus trimaculatum always eating their eggs
amatitlania siquia "tempisque" I've had great success with them
cryptotherous nigrofaciata "marbled" I've had great success with them
amatitlania coatepeque I've had great success with them
australoheroes sp. red ceibal have seen spawning behavior but no eggs yet
pelmatochromis beutikofferi no eggs yet
zoogoneticus tequila growing out some fry from them
skiffia multipunctata growing out some fry from them
ameca splendens growing out some fry from them
xiphophorus nezahucoyotl growing out some fry from them
xiphophorus helleri growing out some fry from them
Red snakeskin guppies these guys wont stop spawning!
super red bristlenose mature and waiting for a spawn
longfin albino bristlenose almost mature
ancistrus sp. "huacamayo" (the true dwarf ancistrus) not yet mature
regular bristlenose have spawned
Will soon be getting some green dragons!
amphilophus trimaculatum always eating their eggs
amatitlania siquia "tempisque" I've had great success with them
cryptotherous nigrofaciata "marbled" I've had great success with them
amatitlania coatepeque I've had great success with them
australoheroes sp. red ceibal have seen spawning behavior but no eggs yet
pelmatochromis beutikofferi no eggs yet
zoogoneticus tequila growing out some fry from them
skiffia multipunctata growing out some fry from them
ameca splendens growing out some fry from them
xiphophorus nezahucoyotl growing out some fry from them
xiphophorus helleri growing out some fry from them
Red snakeskin guppies these guys wont stop spawning!