Post your breeding projects

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Ex-cichlosoma Ornatum

Seven wild caught- Three males, three females and one i'm not sure about yet.

I bought them as three quarter inch fry almost four years ago.

They are currently in a ten foot long 260 gallon tank with two pairs of chocolate cichlids and a female Texas cichlid.

They were VERY slow growing for the first two years, but the three biggest males are in the 12 inch range with the females around 6 inches. The males are amazing in their colour.

In the past year I have tried large cool water changes, all types of foods including live earthworms which they love!! They eat anything and everything I give them. I have tried large amounts of current in the tank and then very little current.

All of my efforts have resulted in the dominant male spawning with the female Texas two times. i removed the Texas and the male Ornatum then kicked the crap out of everyone in the tank. Things have settled down lately, but it just seems the female Ornatums just don't have that loving feeling in them yet for some reason.

When I bought them, I was told the Ornatum were a "long term" fish and could take up to four years or so before they would breed. I am within a couple of months of that four year term, so hopefully something will happen soon. Other than lots of good food, good water and lots of space, I don;t know what else to try. The two pair of Chocolates spawn constantly in the tank and raise their fry to the free swimming stage, but I am thinking that I will move a trio of Ornatum to a hundred gallon tank in a month or so if nothing happens with them in the big tank.

If anyone has any tips, I would really appreciate them.

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Not sure if this is premature or not but anyone heard of an Oscar breeding with a Flowerhorn? I over looked there behaviour as I didn't think it was possible but there showing all the characteristics only thing I haven't spotted yet is eggs??
I have African cichlids, they carry the eggs in their mouth. I have one holding eggs. In 2 weeks she is going to the quarantine tank. Mostly because I want the fry to live, and to keep her from attacking the the other fish.
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Still no eggs hatching. Going on second clutch of egg holding. The male I had was too agressive, to keep with them.
The two smaller mbuna males are not interested.

Dragons blood peacock cichlid. 1 1/2" long

Was big bellied at lfs. 2 weeks ago.

Solo spawned,

Small males gave no interest.

Put adult male dragons blood in tank 18 hrs later. Slight chance of him depositing some milt. As she is holding eggs.

Second 2" sister fish. Is about ready to spawn.
Seeing if they pair up. On short notice.

30 gallon long, with filtration for 100 gallons.
75 gallon on stand by in basement.

6ppm nitrate, 8.4 pH 78F 300 GH

Habitat is heavy plastic, welded together.
And a carpet of moss.
Species: Parachromis Dovii

How many: One male and two females.

How long trying: One year. Raised a group of fry from half inch, and now three remain.

Any successful spawns: No.

Set up: 75 gallon, UV canister filter, 800 gph powerhead, clay pots and sand.

Any triggers/ other information: Finally after a year of raising, male is showing color and enticing the female towards his terra cotta strawberry jar. She seems more interested than two months ago but I still think she needs to put on a little more weight and he needs to dance a bit more for her. Slowly increased feeding of pellets, may add some quarantined feeder guppies. Hope to show some photos of the future spawn! 13113091_10209510229017000_589751293_o.jpg
Species: Kribensis
Bolivian Rams

How many: set of male and female each

How long trying: 2 weeks for Bol Ram
Three months for kribs

Any successful spawns already: Kribs have babies, about 50-70. They are free swimming

Bolivians have their spawning colors

Set up: Bolivian are in a 75 gal
Kribs are in a 30g

Any triggers/other information :

once I raised my ph the kribs spawned and laid eggs without me knowing and then bam after a busy weekend at work i had little bitty swimmers.
Species: Kribensis
Bolivian Rams

How many: set of male and female each

How long trying: 2 weeks for Bol Ram
Three months for kribs

Any successful spawns already: Kribs have babies, about 50-70. They are free swimming

Bolivians have their spawning colors

Set up: Bolivian are in a 75 gal
Kribs are in a 30g

Any triggers/other information :

once I raised my ph the kribs spawned and laid eggs without me knowing and then bam after a busy weekend at work i had little bitty swimmers.

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