Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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These are the female ingot parrot X male Mida, fries has white ,yellow and white mixed with yellow color! 2different body shape, some look like parrot , some look like mida



Green Severum
How many:
One pair
How long trying:
One almost 2 year
Any successful spawns already:
Set up:
60 gallon
Any triggers/other information :
Clean water, raise water temp, and high quality food(frozen blood worms work the best for me
How many:
One pair
How long trying:
Few months
Any successful spawns already:
Once a month or so
Set up:
20 long
Any triggers/other information :
Nothing really, they do it on their own pretty much. Keep water clean.
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...


How many:

How long trying:

Any successful spawns already:

Set up:

Any triggers/other information :

watcha got...
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Jack Dempsey

How many: 1 of each

How long trying: 2 to 3 weeks

Any successful spawns already: not sure could've had one in a piece of drift wood but couldn't see anything, the aggression was definetly there with female convict.

Set up:55 gallon

Any triggers/other information :
Have 3 to 4 month Male JD, not sure of age for convict must be between 4-7 months. Never dealt with JD not sure if he is to young to breed yet.

watcha got...
Green Severum
How many:
One pair
How long trying:
One almost 2 year
Any successful spawns already:
Set up:
60 gallon
Any triggers/other information :
Clean water, raise water temp, and high quality food(frozen blood worms work the best for me
How many:
One pair
How long trying:
Few months
Any successful spawns already:
Once a month or so
Set up:
20 long
Any triggers/other information :
Nothing really, they do it on their own pretty much. Keep water clean.

I had Convict for over 5years they are very cool fun fish to have, if you want to make family bigger you will need a divider. They only problem is once you get a group of 5 or more living together its impossible to introduce new fish to the tank, new chichlids. I had as many as 20 living pretty peacefully in my tank. I bielive they are by the easiest fish to care for, if you want breeding you should raise temp between 80 -82.

this is week 5 no fry. Convict is always in the log and rarely comes out, when she does Jack chases her back. is this normal? saw them fighting a few times, Jack always back down. Today Jack and Con were outside swimming near each other for a few minutes.
Thank you,
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: male pink dempsey/ female jack dempsey ( 6 in)

How many: breed hybrid convict / texas ciclid...yuck this dempsey project 2nd time

How long trying: with dempsey one month

Any successful spawns already: yes 3 to 4

Set up: 125gallon with pot and tank divider to separate chocolate pleco and k-nose pleco

Any triggers/other information : pleco's ate first two spawns..separated them next to spawn they go in pot together and using their fins spray eggs all over tank

watcha got...
"hybrid bleeding reminds me of america"20180130_141358.jpg