Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
dread, i had always had good luck with tiger barbs and bigger fish as well however last week i had three and i guess my pacus got just big enough and they slowly disappeared one by one.
Demasoni 1m 3f :headbang2
12 spawns
100+ Fry
20gal sand bottom rocks and flowerpots

Yellow Tail Acei 1m 1f :nilly:
1 spawn
45eggs 11 survived
35 gal rocks

Kenyi 1m 1f female just died :cry:
4 spawns
200+ fry
72gal sand bottom rocks

Yellow labs 2m 3f :eek:
5 spawns
150+ fry
35gal rocks

Neddle Fish 1m 1f :screwy:
No Spawns yet
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Kribs

How many: 1 female (2 males have both died)

How long trying: a couple of months

Any successful spawns already: nope, males haven't survived long enough

Set up: 10 gallon planted, 29 gallon community

Any triggers/other information: eathworms, good waterchange schedual

watcha got... still have to get another male, this time i'm going to beef him up a couple weeks before introducing him. my first male was doing amazing, and they had formed a pair, but then he got some mysterious problem with his mouth getting eaten away, and he died. second one was never in 100% good shape and the female didn't accept him and pretty much killed him.
Species: red devils

How many:1m 1F

How long trying:1 week

Any successful spawns already:wigglers as of today, some still in the egg

Set up:67gallon wet/dry
Babies are still in the tank

Any triggers/other information :breeding for experience, and selling to lfs.

Species: Convicts

How many:1m 1F

How long trying:2 weeks

Any successful spawns already:1 spawn, fry are about .5"

Set up:20gallon, sponge filter

Any triggers/other information :Experience and to sell to a lfs.

Working on another pair of red devil, and 2 pairs of flowerhorns.
Species: Ancistrus sp. '3'

How many: 6

How long trying: 1 month

Any successful spawns already: none

Set up: 20 gallon tall

Any triggers/other information : None needed.
Species: columbian ramshorn snails, Marisa cornuarietis

How many: 2,000-3,000

How long trying: 1 year or so...

Any successful spawns already: a couple.

Set up: 55 gallon

Any triggers/other information : none needed.
Species: Baryancistus demantoides

How many: currently 2

How long trying: 2 years

Any successful spawns already: Yes, but the parents died

Set up: 55 gallon

Any triggers/other information : Temp fluxes.
Species: Discus

How many: 10

How long trying: 1 year

Any successful spawns already: yes

Set up: 135 planted

Any triggers/other information : None
Species: Corydoras adolfoi

How many: 7

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: Nope

Set up: 10 gallon

Any triggers/other information : Water temp fluxes.
Species: Albino bristle nose

How many: 6

How long trying: 3 months

Any successful spawns already: no

Set up: 10 gallon

Any triggers/other information : None yet, too small.