• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Prickly sculpin!

It's probably that they need higher 02 levels. Out of the streams. Or more water flow in your tank would help I'm sure.

I run a strong power head and a bubbler along with a HOB with the water levers lowers....so lots of o2 in my tank^_^
So where do you usually find them in the lakes. I can't ever find any in the streams or lakes around here in western montana. But i have heard they are around.

..ever been cray hunting?...its the same thing.. slowly lift rocks and check and see if they are there two nets work..i use the larger one from the pet store..come in from behind and the front^_^ they are pretty easy to catch...you can even do it with your hands if your patent enough.
Kaosu, you tanks are fantastic, and your fish are amazing. I had a few sculpins a little while back, but they died when my cat ripped the air supply from the tank. I had a few questions about them tho.
1: Do you know how long they live for?
2: how are you able to tell between sexes?
3: are they able to be breed in aquaria?
4: What is the smallest tank you would recommend for maybe 3 babies?
Kaosu, you tanks are fantastic, and your fish are amazing. I had a few sculpins a little while back, but they died when my cat ripped the air supply from the tank. I had a few questions about them tho.
1: Do you know how long they live for?
2: how are you able to tell between sexes?
3: are they able to be breed in aquaria?
4: What is the smallest tank you would recommend for maybe 3 babies?

Fist off thank you ^_^
#1:....7-10 years ..are the numbers I have found
#2:...Males tend to a bit thinner and larger than females with larger heads, females are rounder in the bodies..Males also turn very dark even black when defending Territory or in the breeding season. witch is early spring.
#2: with the correct water conditions and enough space yes...you will need one male and 2-4 females. The male will pick a cave and dig it out ..dance for the girls..if she is happy with his cave they enter and lay them on the ceiling of the cave ..100-500 eggs at a time. each female will do this. The dad will guard and keep the eggs clean until they hatch. They tend not to be cannibalistic but if dad gets hungry he might snack on a few as they get larger.
#4: 3 babies?..how big and what kind? They are bottom dwellers so the widest foot print you can find a 40 breeder would be perfect for them when they are adults. you dont need an air stone if you keep the water level slightly low If you have a hang on back filter so splashes down in to the tank...OVER FILTERING is the best. i have 500 gallons per hour on my 40 gallon tank.
Thank you soo much, i have a 55 n 90, i think im going to make my 55 a native. I dont know what type they are, they are caught out of a creek in Benton Harbor michigan, n they are about a inch when i catch them. I was thinking of keeping water low anyways. Do you think i could keep a 4 inch grass pickerel with the sculpins, and maybe a 3 inch LMB?
Update shots...going to try and get a feeding video soon as well as an accurate measurement of her size
she is already larger than the average sculpin around here.












My little lion fish wanna be!
..during feeding time...she missed a few.

(the pics are back words she started at the glass and came out.)

moved her tank..got some pics of her in the bucket.

7 inches???


she is very docile in my hand ^_^ enjoy.




