bl00;2835406; said:Moral of the story is to not mess with the good things and be patient.
bl00;2835406; said:They'll lay again...just leave the tank the way it is. Mine pair was breeding but then stopped since I upgraded the tank...Could have to do with the addition of tankmates too. Either way, they were laying every week, getting further and further in the process and then I changed their habitat. Moral of the story is to not mess with the good things and be patient.
peathenster;2837343; said:well since there are only four left, I think you may as well remove her.....??
BlueKiller82;2837727; said:Usually they eat them if they are infertile as over time the infertile eggs can infect the fertile ones.
I had a Red Severum Male breed with a female gold a dozen times, eggs were never fertile. I have only heard of many people having unsuccessful breeding attempts with the Reds, I hope you have some success. Your pair still looks young too so give them time.
Ill have to post a pic of my pair I had a year or so ago.
BlueKiller82;2837773; said:Some of the eggs, will turn within 24 hours, some seem to drag out. How many days did your eggs last?