Man, this fish can be frustrating sometimes.
The Red Wolf has been in the same 40breeder since I got him. It had an assortment of wood, pipes, stones, Java Moss, Duckweed, Hornwort, Guppy Grass, wasn't "decor", it was just a tangled pile of debris that provided plenty of secluded cover into which the fish could disappear when it wanted to. Not a typical display tank by any means; really, none of mine are.
But sometimes you get a tank that is just the perfect mix of nutrients, light and water conditions to support a healthy growth of algae, but without having the stuff take over. This tank was one of those lucky ones. The plants grew, there was lots of algae on the wood and pipes, but I rarely ever needed to clean the inside glass. The only frequent maintenance needed was the weekly removal of 90% of the Duckweed. The tank itself was plumbed in with a 200-ish gallon stock tank, which contained filtration, heating, etc. so I really didn't need to go into the tank itself very often. Even water changes, of about 80-90% once weekly, were done in the big tank, so the water level never even changed in the small one.
But, the thick tangle of cover, while perfect for the fish when it was 2.5 inches, became less so as it approached 6 inches or more. Just too much cover, too many hidey-holes into which it could no longer fit. Time for a change. And I really didn't like the bare glass bottom.
So I drained the tank down to a few inches, removed almost all the wood and stone, replaced the pipework with a few pieces of much-larger diameter drainage pipe, ruthlessly thinned out the greenery and...perhaps the most intrusive part of the job...I laid ceramic tiles down on the bottom.
Now, anybody who keeps much Java Moss knows what that tank looks like now...absolute crap! The delicate, lacy fronds of the moss, as well as the bright green fur of algae, do not take well to disturbance. It will take awhile to regain its natural beauty.
But the worst part is that the Wolf has once again gone underground. When I first got him, I didn't see him at all for literally weeks; he eventually became very bold and outgoing, but it took time and he could still decide to vanish without a trace on a regular basis. I applied this Scorched Earth re-decorating plan 5 days ago, and...yep, you guessed it...he was not seen again until just this morning, when he lunged out of his lair the moment I entered the room, demanding food as if nothing had happened.
I'm tellin' ya, he's lucky that he's cute...