I was doing some fishroom puttering this morning and realized something which led me to dig up this ^ post from awhile back. When
@Deadeye mentioned snails, I remember responding that the Wolf paid no attention to them...but I now realize that there are no snails in his tank, and I can't remember the last time I saw one in there. I have a thriving colony of Pond and Red Ramshorn snails in all my tanks which I encourage and nurture; none here.
I like snails; they are a great clean-up crew for fish that might be messy eaters, as the Red Wolf can be with things like krill (which often shed small pieces while he is busy shaking the crap out of them!
). They likely eat some algae, I like the looks of them, and if they start getting out of hand I thin them out by feeding the surplus to my Musk Turtle. They have no downside IMHO.
Well...the Wolf must be a snail eater. There is no other possible explanation for the absence of snails in his heavily planted tank; it is part of a system that incorporates a couple hundred gallons of water in addition to his 40breeder, and the other tank hosts a nice population of them. I have never seen the Wolf even deign to notice a snail, but he's either eating 'em or keeping them captive in some hidden dungeon in his tank. There are several concrete drainage pipe sections in the tank that could be used as snail torture chambers, hidden from casual observation.
I'm going to skip feeding for a couple of days and then drop in a nice juicy Ramshorn to see what's what.