Here are my Malawi's i had before i got rid of them and got my Rhom.
Some of the pics are quite bad quality but still good to show
These are old pics, they grew ALOT bigger before i got rid of them. The male eyebiter was huge and his colours were gorgeous, i got full whack for him at my LFS, when they usually only give a third of their value.
Mother and fry, yellow lab. After successful breeding
Ok so I was feeding my grow out, and well I had to take some shots. Sadly they didn't come out as well as I hoped, but the male electra is just stunning. His black strips are twice as dark as normal. Though the female doesn't seem to care. (I haven't seen much dancing going around, eh I will give them time.) Oh so I think I am going to be adding about 3 more 55s soon, though I haven't decided if I will just make them breeder tanks or what. And I will be adding some 20 longs for growouts and my apisto collection that will be growing. (I had 3 pairs, but 1 set died, I learned the hard way not to feed blood worms...)
Ok so now some photos
Oh and I tried taking some shots of my 135, color is going all around again. (Guess who has decided he will be new top dog...) Anyways if you don't know what this guy is I will soon be doing the vid update on him. I think I showed some of him when he wasn't showing any color but now you can get a glimpse of what he will be like:
(Sadly I missed an amazing shot, but eh it will come again.)
Oh and my Phenochilus Tanzania got in the way so I took a shot of him. Then my camera died so I didn't quite get the traditional 100 or so shots to pick the best ones from... (I do love digital in that way, ie I can take all I want.)
So some of my fish are really starting to show new color... The problem is that they aren't leting me take pictures of them. (I took ~96 shots and not a single one was good of the ones I wanted to show.)
So here are some decent shots, I haven't done anything to the pictures, hence too dark for some, etc. But I like most of them. (Does anyone have any good tricks for the Placidochromis sp. "Phenochilus Tanzania", aka Star Sapphire. My flash just washes him out.)
Eh anyways enjoy.
Eh I will get better pictures when I get the time. But these are decent enough.
Oh and just fyi. I have sort of been absent since after passing my quals I sort of picked up a few games... and they sort of sucked me in... (I hadn't played any for about a year really.)