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Show us you Goliath Tiger Fish

i love the look of ATF but is it not risky keeping them with other fish :eek:
I have my ATF with various fish's. He leaves everyone alone. Seems very mellow. The one I have pictured is about 9-10".

I had one though however that was 15+" and I could not keep anything with him. Actually in the pix below I have loaches that was in with him and he immiediatly killed 2 of the 6 I have. Anything that he though could fit in his mouth he tried to eat. But bigger robust fish's he left alone. These loaches pictured are 5-6".

forskahlii is slimmer and has a diff jaw shape from vittatus, plus it doesnt have the red finnages.

Which species is this ATF, would you say?... Forskahli?? :uhoh:


PhullTank57 said:
Which species is this ATF, would you say?... Forskahli?? :uhoh:

looks like it to me....

vittatus doesnt have the dolphin jaw... but then tts a guess by me
There are at least four species of tigerfish throuthout Africa:
1. Hydrocynus vittatus (previously known as Hydrocynus forskahlii) is the most widely distributed ranging from the Nile in northern Africa to the Pongola river in Natal. Growing to around 15kg (33lb) this is the species that most anglers get to tangle with on a visit to the Dark Continent;

Goliath Tigerfish
Photo courtesy of African Fisherman Magazine
2. Hydrocynus tanzaniae is only found in the eastward flowing rivers of Tanzania;
3. (Hydrocynus brevis) as name implies, this is a small species of tigerfish from Nilo-Sudan, Upper Guinea, Cameroon, Togo, Ghana and Ivory Coast; and
4. Goliath tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath) - the big daddy of all tigerfish - is found only in the Congo River, it's major tributaries and Lake Tanganyika (where very few have actually been caught). The Goliath tigerfish is known to exceed 50kg (110lb) and would have to be the most exciting freshwater sportfish in the world.
Hydrocynus vittatus: (extract from the interactive CD-Rom - "Hooked Up In Zimbabwe")
The tigerfish is one of the most sought after and probably the most spectacular of Africa's freshwater gamefish. The tigerfish's reputation has become so great that each year in the month of October, and for nearly 40 years, the Kariba International Tiger Fish Tournament (KITFT) has been held at Kariba, in Zimbabwe. This is one of the biggest freshwater fishing tournaments in the world and hundreds of teams compete and thousands of competitors come from all over the world to try their skills, and their tackle, against the mighty 'water dog' (hydrocynus).
So named because of their stripped body and large, prominent canine teeth, tigerfish are great fighters capable of blistering runs and spectacular leaps. The tigerfish is also a willing taker of lures, baits and flies and this adds to its' appeal, and reputation, as one of the great freshwater sportfish of the world. In addition to its' fighting ability, few fishermen would be able to avoid being impressed and awed by the teeth of the tigerfish. The tigerfish is a member of the family Characidae to which also belongs the infamous piranha of South America. One look at the dental work of a tigerfish and you are left with no doubt about this. An interesting feature of the tigerfish's dental equipment is that spare teeth are located within the jaw and these move down and into place to replace any that are lost or broken.
The tigerfish is a very distinctive fish and cannot be mistaken for any other species. A streamlined and powerful body, reminiscent of the albacore shape of an oceanic, pelagic species (or a nuclear powered submarine!), with a large, swept back forked-tail, a mouth full of large canine teeth and prominent black stripes along the body are the most striking characteristics of this fish. The body is mostly silver along the flanks but can be light grey to dark blue on the upper surfaces. The dorsal fin is usually a medium grey while the tail and other fins feature red, orange or yellow highlights.
The business end of a tigerfish! A nice pair of tigers from the Zambezi River.

Photo courtesy of CyberSafaris Photo courtesy of CyberSafaris Photo courtesy of Mbalabala Safaris
To learn more about tigerfish and how, when and where to catch them, get a copy of "Hooked Up In Zimbabwe"
Great looking fish would love to see one in real life but dont like my chances unless i go to Africa.