Sick (fungus?) L-114s


MFK Member
May 27, 2009
Washington DC
Day 2... still no mortalities.
I'm guessing that there's improvement in the individual that was in the picture. The "fuzzy growths" look like they've diminished. They're still there (and look like gray ich-like lice, but smaller). The other one that I thought may be infected is still paler in color. The other ones seem active (and actually the tail fins looks more colorful- darker red). So that's the good news.

The not so good news is that they don't seem to be eating the NLS. I saw a bunch of pellets I threw in yesterday at the back of the tank. I was hoping that they would eat them since the garlic is both an appetite stimulant and ant-parasitic, as Allan mentioned. The healthier ones are eating something since I've seen them poop. Are they maybe just grazing on the driftwood? There's a bunch of wood dust with the uneaten pellets. I'll try some frozen blood worms tonight, since I read somewhere that they really go for those.

I've been keeping the light off and tank front covered, again to hinder ich/velvet development, along with keeping them less stressed. Is the disruption of the day/night light cycle maybe keeping them from eating?

So tommorrow night will be 72 hours of treatment. Plan again is to do a 25% water change, and add some Melafix.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Oct 16, 2008
So-California, US
Linus_Cello;3829424; said:
Day 2... still no mortalities.
I'm guessing that there's improvement in the individual that was in the picture. The "fuzzy growths" look like they've diminished. They're still there (and look like gray ich-like lice, but smaller). The other one that I thought may be infected is still paler in color. The other ones seem active (and actually the tail fins looks more colorful- darker red). So that's the good news.

The not so good news is that they don't seem to be eating the NLS. I saw a bunch of pellets I threw in yesterday at the back of the tank. I was hoping that they would eat them since the garlic is both an appetite stimulant and ant-parasitic, as Allan mentioned. The healthier ones are eating something since I've seen them poop. Are they maybe just grazing on the driftwood? There's a bunch of wood dust with the uneaten pellets. I'll try some frozen blood worms tonight, since I read somewhere that they really go for those.

I've been keeping the light off and tank front covered, again to hinder ich/velvet development, along with keeping them less stressed. Is the disruption of the day/night light cycle maybe keeping them from eating?

So tommorrow night will be 72 hours of treatment. Plan again is to do a 25% water change, and add some Melafix.

Not really.. Usually they are stress because of some form of disease.. in this case.. the velvet... and will not eat and just starve themselves.. However... ur L-114s are carnivorous.... they need meat.. not pellets.. I would start feeding market shrimp... thats kind of their main diet.. along with a bit of cucumbers.. but they are meat eaters..

Light or day means nothing to a hungry pleco.. if they are hungry they will eat day and night..

I like to see a pic of ur tank.. and the tankmates.. i would know more of ur tank's situation.. btw.. how big is the quarantine tank?


MFK Member
May 27, 2009
Washington DC
Quarrantine tank is 15 gallons. About 1/4 to 1/3 by volume filled with driftwood. I tried feeding market shrimp at night once, but no one seemed interested as the next morning it looked untouched (I removed so it wouldn't foul the water). I also tried zuchini once, but again, there seemed to be no interest in it. Someone else recommended NLS pellets as his L114s love them. I'll see if the frozen blood worms were a hit when check the tank tommorrow morning. I'll also try earthworm sticks and brine shrimp pellets tommorrow after the water change. I can try market shrimp again this weekend (when I have a chance to go to the market) to see if the Metro treatment made any improvements in their desire to eat.

The only other tankmate in the quarrantine tank is one L52. I'll take a picture of the tank and upload it tommorrow morning.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Oct 16, 2008
So-California, US
Linus_Cello;3831544; said:
Quarrantine tank is 15 gallons. About 1/4 to 1/3 by volume filled with driftwood. I tried feeding market shrimp at night once, but no one seemed interested as the next morning it looked untouched (I removed so it wouldn't foul the water). I also tried zuchini once, but again, there seemed to be no interest in it. Someone else recommended NLS pellets as his L114s love them. I'll see if the frozen blood worms were a hit when check the tank tommorrow morning. I'll also try earthworm sticks and brine shrimp pellets tommorrow after the water change. I can try market shrimp again this weekend (when I have a chance to go to the market) to see if the Metro treatment made any improvements in their desire to eat.

The only other tankmate in the quarrantine tank is one L52. I'll take a picture of the tank and upload it tommorrow morning.

Hmm.. well a 15 gallon tank is sorta small... but not undo-able.. anyways.. leave the shrimp in for 1 day.. 24 hour.. not overnight.. to see how they do.. u'll never know about pleco.. they can eat anytime of the day...

I would still contiue to do algae walfers and cucmbers.. zucchini isnt as good.. in my opinion.... some plecos are picky and dont eat it..

If u want to know what other L114s eat.. try youtube.. that always helps if what other hobbyst have and i get ideas from youtube alot.. i would recommend the sam.e.


MFK Member
May 27, 2009
Washington DC
Still no mortalities. No change in the 2 "sick" L114s. On the paler one, it looks like some kind of lice is on it. The other 2 healthy ones look fine. I'll throw in a hikari wafer to see if anyone eats it during the day. Here's a pic of the quarrantine tank; you can see the paler individual on the right, the other "sick" one on the far left, and you can see the L52 underneath some driftwood in the middle.



MFK Member
Jun 29, 2006
If you must feed shrimp make sure it is raw. My L-25 has been eating NLS for 2 years and is in perfect health. My L-114's (2 of them) are eating the NLS also. This is all they need. My LFS has been breeding all kinds of plecos and he told me about NLS. Check out NLS website this is great food. Shrimps are o.k. as a treat. I read this on planetcatfish from people who actrually breed the pseudacanthicas plecos. Shrimp will foul the water up quickly also.


MFK Member
May 27, 2009
Washington DC
Again, I have been feeding NLS pellets, but mine don't seem to go for the pellets like yours do Allan. I'll have to try market shrimp again, this time uncooked. The last time I tried it, it was cooked. Maybe that's why there was no interest in it.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Oct 16, 2008
So-California, US
Linus_Cello;3833281; said:
Again, I have been feeding NLS pellets, but mine don't seem to go for the pellets like yours do Allan. I'll have to try market shrimp again, this time uncooked. The last time I tried it, it was cooked. Maybe that's why there was no interest in it.
oh thats why.. i should have mentoin uncooked raw... They sell them in market for 2 pound... $5.99

Make sure its uncooked and clean off the shells.. and the intestines.. (the black stuff) after that.. it should be fine.. both my Goldies love it.. I have yet to test out with my Leopards...


MFK Member
May 27, 2009
Washington DC
No mortalities this morning (knock on wood).
I did a 25% water change, and started treating with Melafix. As far as I can tell no tremendous improvement in the 2 "sick" L-114s. One still looks relatively pale (hopefully it's a natural "blond"), and the other the fuzzy growth is less prominent.
I put in boiled zuchini and sweet potato in last night, but it looks like no one touched it so I took it out this morning. The good news is that it looks like the hikari wafer I put in was gone (hopefully eaten rather than dissolving); same with the earthworm sticks and brine shrimp pellets (but maybe those dissolved and broke down, rather than getting eaten). Not sure if the L114s ate it rather than the L52. Maybe the best thing would be to move the L52 from the quarrantine tank into the "show tank," along with the healthy L114s next week after the Melafix treatment is completed?


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Oct 16, 2008
So-California, US
Linus_Cello;3836645; said:
No mortalities this morning (knock on wood).
I did a 25% water change, and started treating with Melafix. As far as I can tell no tremendous improvement in the 2 "sick" L-114s. One still looks relatively pale (hopefully it's a natural "blond"), and the other the fuzzy growth is less prominent.
I put in boiled zuchini and sweet potato in last night, but it looks like no one touched it so I took it out this morning. The good news is that it looks like the hikari wafer I put in was gone (hopefully eaten rather than dissolving); same with the earthworm sticks and brine shrimp pellets (but maybe those dissolved and broke down, rather than getting eaten). Not sure if the L114s ate it rather than the L52. Maybe the best thing would be to move the L52 from the quarrantine tank into the "show tank," along with the healthy L114s next week after the Melafix treatment is completed?
If u dont see any disease for another week for so.. after u ended the medication treatment.. ur pretty much all set to go.. But an extra week would be good to see the progress of ur fishes..