You mean hydor ? Also what appears to be condensation is actually something else I cant remember what. HarleyK I believe explained it to us. I returned one because I was concerned and the second one came that way. They all seem to and mine doesn't have problems.Evilking;3595517; said:Ebo's are not as good as they use to be. Ever since they switched owner a while back their quality went down hill. My last two Ebo's could not even keep my temp in my tanks stable. Took them out and never looked back. So far my 6 tanks are running Stealth heaters for a year now and no problems yet. My temp stay at a constant 82 degrees.
I will also never buy a hydro again. Had one crack in my sump and it never shut off. Went to feed my fish and felt a little shock. Lucky for me I did not do any gravel clean that day. If I did I would of been dead. I also noticed after that my other Hydro had condensation inside the glass tube. Took them out and bought Stealth heaters.
I thought Eheim has always run the ebo jager line ?