The "one inch per gallon" rule

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
what about a common pleco i wanna keep one i hear they grow large i maybe want to grow it unti l i cant handle it and give it away to a pond or to my lfs for a few small ones
209;4452646; said:
what about a common pleco i wanna keep one i hear they grow large i maybe want to grow it unti l i cant handle it and give it away to a pond or to my lfs for a few small ones


I'm really sorry but fish are not just there for when you want them they are a living thing, and not just to be tossed away when you cant be ars@d looking after them :screwy:. Sorry but it really narks me when people will keep them "till they cant" then "give them away":cry::cry: the time love and attention you put into the fish your tank and hobby should outway the giving of your prized fish!!!

poss need a :chillpill:

If you cant look after it till its natural healthy and loved life dont by the bloo@y thing in the first place and find another hobby.

Fish are for life not for when you just want them!!!!


Regards C
I am a brand new hobbyist with two ten gallon aquariums. I just spent enormus amount of money to stock them. Now, I just have a headache. I guess I should say, thank you? No, really thanks.
LOL..... I love this site :) When i was a kid i had a 3 foot red tail cat in a 230 gallon with 3 2 foot arowana,,,, and i had a manager with a calculator at a local LFS doing quantum Physics trying to figure out how big my tank should actually be :)
They moved to an indoor pond years later but for me anyways elbow room and a GIANT filter after thats its all about how bad you feel when you see a cramped monster
Is there a reason why this thread is 15 pages long and nobody's mentioned for the math impaired? Are they persona-non-grata here?

Great article BTW. I had always thought of it as 2" for fat fish (like mollies or cats) and 1" for skinny fish (like danios and neons). I'd never thought of it in sq.
aakaakaak;4511858; said:
Is there a reason why this thread is 15 pages long and nobody's mentioned for the math impaired? Are they persona-non-grata here?

Great article BTW. I had always thought of it as 2" for fat fish (like mollies or cats) and 1" for skinny fish (like danios and neons). I'd never thought of it in sq.

That was just coincidence. They're not. I believe there's a thread somewhere before where yhbae posted a link to that program of his.
i don't think the gallon number is really as important as the width of the tank when it comes to bigger fish