The "one inch per gallon" rule

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
That certainly is interesting. I'm new to the whole Aquarium world and thought that it was 1 inch of fish per Gallon. This gives me a bit more wiggle room for building a community tank. I've had my tank for about a month and things are going alright. I have a 40 Gallon tank with 11 Neons and 3 Endler's...oh and a comet :S I know it's taboo to have a comet with warmer water tanks but he was a rescue. And he's quite happy! :)
Miracle Midas;4790345; said:
That certainly is interesting. I'm new to the whole Aquarium world and thought that it was 1 inch of fish per Gallon. This gives me a bit more wiggle room for building a community tank. I've had my tank for about a month and things are going alright. I have a 40 Gallon tank with 11 Neons and 3 Endler's...oh and a comet :S I know it's taboo to have a comet with warmer water tanks but he was a rescue. And he's quite happy! :)
With that comet in there, you won't want much more than what you already have, they grow fast, and are serious poop machines. They'll also eat all the other fish you've listed.
I have to take down my 125 for 4-5 years but plan on keeping it for when I buy a house
I got a great deal on a 50 gallon "cube" tank (30x19x21).
I'd like to transfer to the 50:

- 3 inch Flagtail Prochilodus (gets HUGE after a while)
- 4 inch black ghost knife
- 5 inch polypterus delhezi
- 5x 2-3 inch clown loaches
- 5x 4-5 inch roseline sharks/denison barb

Is this too much in terms of overcrowding?

I was thinking that since the clowns are generally bottom dwellers, along with the ghost and polypterus, that this might be able to work for a while. Clowns grow really slow. I know the prochilodus will not be able to stay in this tank forever but at least for a while. It was so hard to find him that I hate to get rid of him.

I'll be running an eheim 2262 on this tank so itll be filtered very very well....the same filter can keep my 125 crystal clear with 0ppm of the usual stuff for 2 months without water changes although I do them much more often than that usually.