The "one inch per gallon" rule

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I think one should plan on understocking rather than maximising stock levels & taking risks. Just look at all the benefits of understocking by 50% or increasing the tanksize for the same bioload if you have the space.
Anyhow less can be more at times :popcorn:
Most likely it's been mentioned already but if I worked in a LFS and I was working with a newbie I would really stress cycling the tank more than anything else. Try to sell them some white clouds with a handful of dirty gravel in the bag and a good water testing kit, and tell them to come back in a couple weeks, and while they are waiting they could use sites like this and others to learn about what exactly they want to keep.
so does this mean I cant house a 48" arapaima gigas in a 50 gallon?:ROFL:
I figured I could just fold it in half.:ROFL: