The white and smooth Florida gar platinum


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 1, 2009
bit of a natural decor wouldn't go amiss!
And not sure how it's dirty? look at it!

Now I look at it, maybe I am just being picky.
I own a few Gars but am most definitely not an expert in the field.
I just think IMO a completely bare small tank covered in algae looks pretty horrid!

I guess thats just me then.
Maybe it's just me that also thinks a PLATINUM fish should be PURE WHITE.


Penguin Lover
MFK Member
Aug 14, 2004
Plain glass box, dirty, looks too small.
Not MY idea of decent housing for a pet!
it could be just being used for quarantining or photographing the gar...just because there is algae doesn't mean it's bad fishkeeping. also, platinum gars are much rarer than most other comparable platinum fishes (polys, arows), and many gars that are considered platinum still have dark markings on the tail. TPGs are a good example of this as they usually will have some black on the tail, sometimes even posterior body. FLGs tend to have this too.

also note that it's interesting that you've gone a little "elitist" given your criticisms and comments on the SB-gator gar thread--


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Dec 3, 2010
Plain glass box, dirty, looks too small.
Not MY idea of decent housing for a pet!
and more so if it was a platinum gar which cause a bomb


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 1, 2009
it could be just being used for quarantining or photographing the gar...just because there is algae doesn't mean it's bad fishkeeping. also, platinum gars are much rarer than most other comparable platinum fishes (polys, arows), and many gars that are considered platinum still have dark markings on the tail. TPGs are a good example of this as they usually will have some black on the tail, sometimes even posterior body. FLGs tend to have this too.

also note that it's interesting that you've gone a little "elitist" given your criticisms and comments on the SB-gator gar thread--
Wow welcome to the Gar forum where opinions are obviously not allowed!
Seems if you have an opinion that differs to the "regulars" "experts" you get shot down!

I think that tank looks horrible, I never said it was bad fish keeping, so off my case a little please Mr Solomon!


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 17, 2005
Wow if you think that tank looks horrible you should see mine.Your likely to have a heart attack or something. They are algae encrusted messes that have nothing to do with looking good..In fact they look like total crap and then some. My tanks make that look super clean. Oh but yet I manage to have some of the best looking and kept Gars compared to most on this forum.. Huh wonder what is up with that... Tanks look like crap... Fish are surprisingly extremely well colored and well proportioned.... It ain't the way your tanks look dude it is how you care for your fish.. Get that already and let's move on...

Of coarse I do not keep these fish as show animals and I do not bother to keep them in Show tanks. That is not my goal with these fish..

BTW.. Just to mention the fish here it just looks flushed out and I'd doubt it being a Plat at all..


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 1, 2009
That's fair enough.
It may well be just how people tend to keep their tanks here in Japan.
I'm sure your fish are beautiful regardless of the state of the tank being a real enthusiast.

Me I have a passion for bichirs that would likely match your passion for Gars, So I wouldn't shed any doubt over the quality and passion in your fish. I just couldn't live with a dirty tank lol!

I like to kick back with a few beers and enjoy watching my fish, and taking photos of them.
Also considering large aquariums have kind of taken over my house, shed and garden, My wife would go ballistic if they were anything but spotless!

I have no Gar only tanks, all my Gars share with the Bichirs so they have no choice but to live in shiny housing.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 18, 2006


Penguin Lover
MFK Member
Aug 14, 2004
Wow welcome to the Gar forum where opinions are obviously not allowed!
Seems if you have an opinion that differs to the "regulars" "experts" you get shot down!

I think that tank looks horrible, I never said it was bad fish keeping, so off my case a little please Mr Solomon!
no one said you couldn't have your own opinion...that's what a forum is all about. you should, however, be ready to take criticism of your opinion if you post in open forum. people can feel free to make comments about my posts as they choose (and many have done so in the past). i also don't venture out of the gar forum much since i don't keep much else these days, and like Richard, most of my fish are not pets but serve research purposes. hence a lot of our opinions, criticisms, and passion about garkeeping show up here.

that being said, here is your original post quoted:

"Plain glass box, dirty, looks too small.
Not MY idea of decent housing for a pet!"

if it's not your idea of decent housing for a pet, doesn't that imply that you think it is bad fishkeeping? or do you think indecent housing is not reflective of bad fishkeeping (in your opinion)? and no one "shot you down" - you had your own views on what a platinum gar is, and i merely pointed out the variations in what is generally considered platinum among gars as it often differs from other fishes.

you keep ganoid-clad bichirs, i would suggest developing a similarly thick skin for the gar forum as well :) --


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 30, 2011
California Love
I can kinda agree with tokyo even if the tank isnt a show tank or not it looks kinda small for the gar also they algea may not be bad but i mean if your gunna take care of your fish take care of everything around it like dont you clean your filters might as well clean your tank and this is my opinion not saying hes a bad fish keeper and not saying that that gar looks unhealthy but most people would say that tank is too small. Or this could be a Q tank but i think a Q tank would look a lil better than that.


MFK Member
Feb 10, 2011
no one said you couldn't have your own opinion...that's what a forum is all about. you should, however, be ready to take criticism of your opinion if you post in open forum. people can feel free to make comments about my posts as they choose (and many have done so in the past). i also don't venture out of the gar forum much since i don't keep much else these days, and like Richard, most of my fish are not pets but serve research purposes. hence a lot of our opinions, criticisms, and passion about garkeeping show up here.

that being said, here is your original post quoted:

"Plain glass box, dirty, looks too small.
Not MY idea of decent housing for a pet!"

if it's not your idea of decent housing for a pet, doesn't that imply that you think it is bad fishkeeping? or do you think indecent housing is not reflective of bad fishkeeping (in your opinion)? and no one "shot you down" - you had your own views on what a platinum gar is, and i merely pointed out the variations in what is generally considered platinum among gars as it often differs from other fishes.

you keep ganoid-clad bichirs, i would suggest developing a similarly thick skin for the gar forum as well :) --
Yes, I agree with you. He shouldnt be saying plain boxes etc, so what if thats what the owner wants. Its not Tokyogasmask's anyways. Mines looks dirty because of algae but I have the right parameters. He shouldnt be judging it by its looks dude. A FORUM is a place where people share ideas and help each other. Well, what does he do, criticizing people. Iam just 13 years old, at least I know what Im saying.