What is the rarest fish that you have,or have ever had.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I wouldnt count snakeheads as rare as theyre legal in most of Europe as well as my Canadian Province.
But I have kept Channa Argus, Channa Gachua, Rainbow snakehead and the famous Channa Micropeltes aka giant snakehead.
Heres a few pics. beast grew from 2" to 4" in a week on feeders


1 week later

some time later



Am also currently keeping some wild caught Brycinus Longipinnis
which is guess is pretty uncommon.
I wouldnt count snakeheads as rare as theyre legal in most of Europe as well as my Canadian Province.
But I have kept Channa Argus, Channa Gachua, Rainbow snakehead and the famous Channa Micropeltes aka giant snakehead.
Heres a few pics. beast grew from 2" to 4" in a week on feeders


1 week later

some time later



Am also currently keeping some wild caught Brycinus Longipinnis
which is guess is pretty uncommon.
Probably a group of breeding size wild zebra plecos.

After that, I have a lone male gymnogeophagus "tala" or "talo" that's still undescribed, which Ive had for a few years. I spoke with a few people who got the rest of the import and theirs all died. The male has killed the only three females I had trying to get them to breed on various occasions.
My rarest isn't terribly rare but I have only seen it for sale in the LFS world once in the past 15 years (the time i bought it) is my Achara/Marbled Pim cat. Man i love these fish. only lasted in my 125 for about 8 months until I had to move him to a 300 Gallon pond. Absolute pigs and mine is very active. Always stirring up the bottom.

Yes I have heard of the astronomical prices of many aquarium fish over there.It's outrageous but at least you have access to some native species that we can't get.

True, but most of our large natives are more likely to end up in the frying pan , not the fish tank.