I wouldnt count snakeheads as rare as theyre legal in most of Europe as well as my Canadian Province.
But I have kept Channa Argus, Channa Gachua, Rainbow snakehead and the famous Channa Micropeltes aka giant snakehead.
Heres a few pics. beast grew from 2" to 4" in a week on feeders
1 week later
some time later
Am also currently keeping some wild caught Brycinus Longipinnis
which is guess is pretty uncommon.
But I have kept Channa Argus, Channa Gachua, Rainbow snakehead and the famous Channa Micropeltes aka giant snakehead.
Heres a few pics. beast grew from 2" to 4" in a week on feeders

1 week later

some time later

Am also currently keeping some wild caught Brycinus Longipinnis
which is guess is pretty uncommon.