Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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Yea, I think I jut got really lucky with the group I had. I started of with 2 pairs as fingerlings and they were raised in an aggressive community so they kind of "HAD" to get along w/ everyone else, but when the 2 males started combating I had to sell the other male, and eventually the other female, but they really were only intolerable of OTHER Jaguars. They could have cared less about the Jacks and Convicts and FHs, and the other stuff.

The 2 males I have currently are about 2- 2.5 inches and they equally hate each other but still don't bother the other species in my tank. I think they're both males, they both have a concave stomach regardless how much they eat - all the females I ever seen have a big fat belly shaped like a football. Is that 100% accurate for sexing, or can it vary depending on dominance or what?

It's a lot easier when they get older, but yes they are shaped differently. The females almost have more of a pointier head. When they are bigger the dead give away is the pattern. Males have more of a leopard print pattern, and the barring seems to blend in more. Females are more yellow bodied and the barring doesn't really fade away with maturity.
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Oscars are pretty much pansies, they just eat alot!!!

Buttikofrei (pound for pound)
Dovi (size)
Red Devil

In that order!!!!
Butti's are monsters mine would destroy anything i would try to put with it. It also would break all my heaters an very intelligent, would try to dig out my temporary tank divider from bottom then push it down from top.
My 2 jags just hide all the time. They are approx 4" and 6"
They are in with 2 oscars that are alot bigger than them in height, but not much longer. The jags run from the smallest sound, wheras the oscars just beg for food all day. The only sign of aggression i see in my jags is occasionally the larger one chases the smaller one. Oscars are just pansies that sulk everytime i do a water change lol
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My 2 jags just hide all the time. They are approx 4" and 6"
They are in with 2 oscars that are alot bigger than them in height, but not much longer. The jags run from the smallest sound, wheras the oscars just beg for food all day. The only sign of aggression i see in my jags is occasionally the larger one chases the smaller one. Oscars are just pansies that sulk everytime i do a water change lol
It may change but from what it sounds like, you may just have good tankmates like I did

My 2 pairs were the most passive jags ever
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