Peta rumor

wild bill

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2010
three hills,ab. canada
I still can't understand when people are going to wake up and see that this article is telling the truth. Sorry for comming in late here but I have watched how these groups are getting their way. Mosy animal rights groups don't want animal ownership. Their victory here will be a huge step in closing down zoos as for circuses they are pretty much ruined already. Our hobby will come to an end soon to if we don't find a way to influence our gov't the way these groups do. Sadly the entire public is buying into the crap these groups spew and we are losing our rights in the mean time.
I have very strong opinions on this subject and personaly watched gov't officials swallow hook line and sinker every thing these ARA's tell them. The reason I know it is true is I have wittnessed our F&w officers do an inspection and say every thing is fine. Then a week later come and say we were a mess because they got a letter from an ARA groip telling them so. The stupid part was it was the same officers that did the inspection. So my guess is they didn't trust them selves.
I am not sure how much as a group here we can do or how we can use social media for our cause but it is time we start. As we all know everything on the internet is true and pictures can never be doctoed or taken in a misleading way. All I am saying is it is time for us to stand upand fight for our pets and hobby or we will lose them.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Im a big fan of new via the radio.

I watch fox and cnn to get both sides but thats about it.

Interedting read T Thekid skimmed through the beginning will try and read the whole thing later on


MFK Member
Feb 7, 2015
south ****holia
PETA doesn't want you cat or dog, they then will have to kill them, as shown above. They don't want you fish either, because they then have to flush them. What peta does is hilighting the terrible conditions under which fish are bred, kept and shipped to end users, killing 90% of all fish in the process. The want to stigmatise fishkeeping to the point where the average person becomes outraged with people keeping fish and ban it, just like smoking in public places.

PETA knows they can turn people's opinions, even if they need to launch campaigns that may take years to have an effect, these are skirmishes in a drawn out war that they know they will win with a high probability of success. That's why get the committed volunteers, and attract significant and sustainable funding for their cause.
We as an industry give them all the fodder they need, industry kills 90% of the fish it produces by merely moving it through the marketing channel. Monster fish end up in 4' tanks only to be released into rivers where they become an environmental calamity. Betta's are kept in jam jars. Fish in LFS are often kept in cramped dirty conditions, malnourished where they canabilize and scavenge on each other in order to survive, this is the issue that needs to be addressed. Railing against them only encourages them. Notable improvements and outcomes in fishkeeping need to be tangible and noticeable. Stop selling RTC to keepers with 4' tanks and telling this is good for life, I could go on and on...


MFK Member
Nov 12, 2012
Lockport IL
I am all for animal rights more power to people that want to do that, but there's a difference between doing what's right for the animal in doing what YOU think is right for the animal. in order to fully understand what you're doing you need to understand both sides of the argument, good and bad, and not just what you want to hear which is what PETA does.

wild bill

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2010
three hills,ab. canada
I think both of you are confused here. jwh Peta does want our pets so they can put them down. They have no problem doing so. They also believe all domestic animals should be extinct and we should not own animals. Your comments on fish in the pet store and how many die sounds like Peta propaganda.
Aaronchoo1 you are confused between animal rights and animal welfare. Animal rights puts animals equal to or even more important than people. Animal welfare is for proper care of animals as animals not like they are people.
The next problem people face is that these 2 are joining together as animal rights. We have to stop looking at our pets as our equals and remember we are the higher species.


MFK Member
Nov 12, 2012
Lockport IL
while I do agree with you that we are a higher species. I would love to see anybody spend the night outside of a lions den in Africa and see who's the higher species then. I think it's all situational. if we choose to care for the animals like we all do with fish and reptiles and me with livestock then yes I think we are the higher species.


MFK Member
Feb 7, 2015
south ****holia
wild bill wild bill , no I don't use PETA stats, these stats come from a paper published by a US university, can't remember exactly which one, and as I'm traveling now, I can't quote you the source. Believe me I'm no fan of PETA, I worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 25 years and the company I worked for was a significant target for PETA, so I have dealt with them and their BS issues ad nuaseam. I do understand how they operate, and believe me there is a lot of room for improvement in the fish keeping industry. There are few other industries that tatoo pets, strip the slime coat off them so they can dye them bizarre colors, breed them specifically so they glow in the dark, or inject them with dye so they may appeal to 5 years olds. Mull mover these issues for a while, and think if this really serves the industry in a positive way, or are defendable issues....