Can’t wait to see how Big his fry get. My supersize males are all infertile. Come to think of it, they rarely even try to breed and the females are never too interested in them either. Odd…
All of those fry (56) were donated well over a year ago....they were all miniature Pips. Stripey is the only big male Pip showed interest in but he was smaller at the time. It may not be a coincidence his different body type (thick triangle) may have appealed to her more. NONE of the ones with nuchal humps interest her. With her and Mongo it was like 3 days of chasing. Then she disappeared, then there were babies.
I had no idea so many of the first gen males would end up so large. The three smallest are Bumper (4"), Buddy (~5"), Shade (4+") and Mote (4"). Bumper and Buddy are built thick like the biggest ones and have a hump. Shade and Mote have flatter bodies with no hump. The biggest of the big (in no order) are Tank, Hulk, Bubba and Stripey who basically look like young Chancos...They range from 5 1/2" to over 6" long and 3 to 4 inches tall.
Scooter and Dusty are only slightly smaller than the biggest ones. Dusty is built like a male midas.
I recently saw a few white eggs scattered on a log Bruce and Bella stay in which reinforces the sterility factor of these big males. Stripey may have been the outlier. Bella (striped) is a first generation daughter out of Pip/Mongo. Large and elongated with no spangles unlike most of the females in her clan. She tried getting the tank "Queenship" from Pip but that bombed so she lives peacefully in her own area of the 225. No friction between the 2 females.