
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. R

    Need help identifying Cichlids

    So I know for sure I have a Flowerhorn (in his/her own tank), Maingano and an Auratus cichlid. (Or at least that’s what I was told when I purchased them.) But I’m confused as to what type of Peacock and African cichlids the rest are. I know I got them all in the assorted cichlid section at the...
  2. Dennis Kraemer

    What Could I put in my tank???

    Hey guys I have had this tank for awhile and it is kind of a grow out tank for my bullhead. I have one yellow lab Cichlid and two albino bristle nose Plecos. Are there any schooling fish that I can add?
  3. C

    Can a Salvini and Jack Dempsey produce a hybrid together?

    My salvini just layed her eggs with a jack Dempsey and I was wondering if it’s possible for the jack to fertilize the eggs.
  4. PGJE

    oscar with goldfish???

    in a month I'm going to get a 150 gallon tank, as an upgrade for my turtles and fish. i have two turtles, both are very slow and have been compatible with any fish i have ever put in the tank (including cichlids). In the 150 ill have: 2 turtles 1 pleco and three 8 inch goldfish i want to know if...
  5. C

    Dovii Sexing

    i just bought three doviis and was wondering if any of y’all can tell what sex they are. The first one is the first dovii, the second and fourth pic is the second dovii, and the third and fifth pics are the last dovii.
  6. AquaScape

    NEW STOCK! Africa & More

    15"-18" Fire Eel SHOW SIZE $225 6"-8" Silver Arowana - $85 6"-8" Ropefish - $20 6" Elephant Nose - $35 6" Indo-Pacific Tarpon - $85 5"-6"...
  7. T

    Tank Mates?

    Alright, sooo... I posted about adding an Oscar to my tank with Tiger Barbs and Crays, but have decided against it... However, I now took out the more aggressive, two-pincered Cray and put it into my father's large tank after one of the barbs had lost a fin on one side and couldn't swim, only...
  8. C

    Jaguar cichlid gender

    I was wondering if anyone can tell if my jag is a male or female yet? I’m having a tough time but I’m guessing a male.
  9. E

    Should I be worried about my green terror? Please Help!

    I don’t know if I should be worried or not I’m seeing white stringy feces.
  10. Kingster


    So i was on aq advisor, I was just getting a plain bare bones look at a stocking Idea, went i added 4 bolivion rams, it said Warning: Your selected species may eventually require 128% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. weirded out by this I...
  11. X

    Possible Oscar tank

    Hey, all! This is another thing I might do if I get a 75 gallon or, if I'm super lucky and can pull off the miracle of both finding room for it and managing to convince my landlord to let me, a five foot tank like a 125 gal. I've done a lot of research on oscars before, but had just a couple...
  12. FishSwarm

    Help ID Chichlid females breeding with Z-Rock Yellow Blaze Lithobate?

    Hi all, my first post here. Can't wait to start getting involved with this great community. I have tons to talk about and experiences to share. So much to do and so little time while I setup my half basement fish room. This site has been extremely helpful for me on making decisions on steel...
  13. koh the face stealer

    Red Zebra tankmates

    Hi all, I'm going to be trading a friend for a smaller tank soon and would like some stocking suggestions and such. I'll be trading one of my 60 gallons for a 45 gallon. The tank residents are two silver dollars and a red zebra cichlid. I already know the silvers need to go and mbunas...
  14. C

    Jaguar cichlid male or female

    Can anyone tell if this jag is a male or female yet?
  15. C

    Freeze dried food

    What would be the better for my Jaguar Cichlid. Freeze dried shrimp or freeze dried krill?
  16. J

    What is this cichlid

    It was in a com tank at the shop and they claim it's a trade and they didn't know what it was it's about 5 inches maybe 5 and a half it was in a tank that had adult mainganos and they look nothing alike it's kinda shaped and colored (cobalt blue) like a socolofi with a longer body and markings...
  17. Hybridfish7

    Hybrid genetics, how size and mutations are passed, etc...

    I have a lot of questions on this. I'll start with the passing of mutations. for example, you can cross a marbled convict cichlid and a honduran red point, and the offspring would be marbled. my questions come from the other mutations. I'm not too sure how genes like leucistic or 'platinum'...
  18. T

    FH maybe a Texas?

    Right, so new at this FH thing. After watching many videos I decided I needed one. Now I have I'm I'm confused as to whether I've been given the wrong fish Advertised as a king cherry Flowerhorn, but the more pictures I look at the more he's got me convinced he's a Texas possibly. The only...
  19. Sizzy905

    Chocoalte Cichlid shock?

    I had a chocolate cichlid with a pair of blood parrots, green Severum, and one electric blue acara in a 75 gallon. Everything was okay until the parrot cichlids started laying eggs and became very aggressive towards the chocolate cichlid which is at the bottom of the food chain in my tank. It...
  20. Reaperxvii

    125 Gallon Peacock Tank Deaths

    Hey guys, so long story short in my 2 month old peacock tank Im loosing nearly a fish every other day, water parameters are good. I added 18 1-1.5in assorted peacock when I first got the tank, all was well up through the cycling period. Once Nitrates were there and nitrites and ammonia were gone...