I bought four Marlier's Julie juveniles in hopes of getting a mating pair. (Yes, I know the chances are slim but that's all I could get.) At what size do they start pairing off? And are there are any distinctive behaviours that a mating pair will exhibit? Besides the obvious ones like hanging...
How old were your eartheaters when they started breeding? I heard for A. heckelii it takes 2-3 years. What about Geophagus? I know it depends on the species.
Back in my early days of fish keeping, I got what was displayed as being a “flower horn” but in reality turned out to be a black convict. The price difference on these two fish was 20$ which isn’t a lot considering how much flowerhorns normally go for, but still...
AT MOST!!! It’s possible in...
Hi guys, so I've always had a love of animals from a young age and after seeing a beautifully aquascaped tank at a friend's house I was hooked on the hobby.
I started out with a 60l juwel tank which I kept a male Betta in for several years. After having success in keeping him happy and healthy...
So i have been wondering.. say my fish gets sick. Ich or sunken belly or what not. Can i keep the fish in plane old water to eliminate the bacteria/parasite thats infecting the fish.. i wonder this because we put all types of funky things in our water to keep it free of bacteria. So if tap water...
Ok, long-time reader but new member to MFK, so I apologize for any faux pas.
I've finally picked up my own silver arowana, under two friggin' inches! I've been eventually planning for one so I've done a fair amount of research (and or course have long-term plans for housing) but the biggest...
Please help. I have an African Cichlid with a growth on its face. I think it might be a tumor but I’m not
sure. I do a weekly 50%water change and I over filter. I treated the entire tank with Triple Sulfa which did not help. It started by looking like it had swallen nostrils and now it moves...
Please help. I have an African Cichlid with a growth on its face. I think it might be a tumor but I’m not sure. I do a weekly 50%water change and I over filter. I treated the entire tank with Triple Sulfa which did not help. It started by looking like it had swallen nostrils and now it moves...
So ive been wondering when will big daddy see his offspring a threat to his dominance? How long can i keep them in the same tank as the parents? Forever is the answer im looking for aha
I need some help with this issue.. hopefully ive made it obvious with the pictures, my little wolf friend has had these sunken pectoral fins/sunken gills/gill covers since i got him. The fish is only an inch thick but only 1cm wide underneath its pectoral fins are almost connected underneath. S...
Ok, I have 2 -two inch EBA's, 2 -one inch EBJD, and a 1.5inch Diadema cichlid in a 125g. Im so hesitant to add anything aggressive because I want all of these fish to survive.
Does anyone have experience with meeki fire mouth aggression?
I was also going to get 2 more EBA'S. I don't want...
Hey guys, so I really want to get a juvenile GT to throw in my 60. If I put him in with some synodontis cats would he be okay with him? What other tank mates are good with a GT, since I am pretty much set on getting one. If I decide not to get the terror I was also considering getting a...
I recently got two small convict cichlids. The male is always attacking the female, and she has some small bite marks on her tail. The person at the pet store told me the male was trying to breed with the female, but I found it strange that he would bite her fins. :( Help please!!!